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Prioritized labels 0

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Labels 89

  • M9
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M9 milestone
  • MRBugfix
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating fix for defect, software error, unintended behavior, flaw or fault within the code
  • MRDependencies Upgrade
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating version upgrade of libs/dependencies
  • MRDeprecation
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating code deprecation, will need to include this in the release notes
  • MRDevOps
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating CICD related / DevOps changes for release management
  • MRDocumentation Update
    OSDU Software
    Merge request indicating change related to documentation only
  • MREnhancement
    OSDU Software
    Merge request related to an enhancement or upgrade of the existing code, increasing the efficiency or effectiveness of the software without necessarily introducing new features to end user.
  • MRInitial Commit
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating initial development of a project
  • MRLogging
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating work related to internal audit, logging, reporting improvement
  • MRNew Feature
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating new feature change, generally requires accompanying ADR
  • MRNotice Update
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating FOSSA notice / legal update
  • MRRefactor
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating work related to code clean ups/refactoring/optimization
  • MRRevert
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating reverting change
  • MRTesting
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicting changes for unit, integration, etc. testing
  • Pipeline Failure
    OSDU Software
    MR pending failures and requires investigation
  • PriorityCritical
    OSDU Software
    Catastrophic issue identified - Severe impact, contain breaking workflow/data loss, zero-day/critical security vulnerabilities No workaround and should be fixed as an immediate priority Need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle as soon as a fix is available
  • PriorityHigh
    OSDU Software
    Major issue identified - High impact, might contain breaking workflow/data loss, critical/high security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists but should be fixed as the next priority Might need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle/N+1 milestone release
  • PriorityLow
    OSDU Software
    Minor issue identified - Low impact, no breaking workflow/any workflow, medium/low security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists Can be released in N+1 or more milestone releases
  • PriorityMedium
    OSDU Software
    Serious issue identified - Medium impact, no breaking workflow/no data loss, high/medium security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists and should be fixed after high priority Can be released in N+1 milestone release