Explore projects
The project contains all Airflow dependencies need to OSDU.
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The Storage Service handles metadata ingestion in OSDU.
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The Search Service supports full-text search on string fields, range queries on date, numeric or string fields, along with geo-spatial search.
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The Indexer Service indexes the metadata store to support the Search Service.
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Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) Wellbore-DDMS Worker is a python back-end service used internally by the OSDU Wellbore DDMS. It provides an internal API for accessing Wellbore bulk data.
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The Register Service manages subscriptions, action and DDMS registrations in the OSDU.
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Wellbore Domain Data Management Services including type-safe entity access and optimized accessors for bulk data such as logs, trajectories, checkshots.
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Typescript client for open-etp-server, including REST API
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Library for core (or internal) API definitions (gRPC stubs)
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The Ingestion Workflow service provides a wrapper functionality around the Apache Airflow functions and is designed to carry out preliminary work with files before running the Airflow Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) that will perform actual ingestion of OSDU data.
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The File Service provides internal and external APIs to request for file location data, such as a signed URL per file upload. Using the signed URL, OSDU users will be able to upload their files for ingestion into the system.
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This is the repository for automated QA tests done on the OSDU Data Platform for each milestone release with real-world datasets (TNO, Volve, etc.)
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The Dataset Service provides internal and external APIs to allow fetching storage/retrieval instructions for various types of datasets.
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This is sdutil for seismic dms also known as SDMS v3.
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This is sdutil for seismic domain dms also known as SDMS v4.
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This project is the home for required helm charts to install OSDU on Azure.