Explore projects
The Schema Service enables schema management in the OSDU and offers an implementation of the schema standard.
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Contains the organization and governance material for PMC and associated projects.
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The Partition Service dynamically pulls the correct connection information at runtime to connect to the correct partition.
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The Search Service supports full-text search on string fields, range queries on date, numeric or string fields, along with geo-spatial search.
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Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) Wellbore-DDMS Worker is a python back-end service used internally by the OSDU Wellbore DDMS. It provides an internal API for accessing Wellbore bulk data.
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OSDU platform pre-shipping activities - This repository contains KT sessions, work demos, postman collections to support User Acceptance Testing for milestone releases
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Terraform module for deploying and managing OSDU services on Google Cloud Platform using Helm charts. Provides automated deployment and configuration of microservices in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) clusters.
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Legal service is to help ensure data compliance with legal data governance when dealing with data in the Data Ecosystem by managing legal tags
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Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Open ZGY contribution
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Repository for the Rock & Fluid Sample DDMS services for OSDU.
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This is the repository for automated QA tests done on the OSDU Data Platform for each milestone release with real-world datasets (TNO, Volve, etc.)
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[In Development] Schema (and Reference Value) Upgrade Service
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Policy service is used for management and evaluation of dynamic policies in OSDU.
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The Register Service manages subscriptions, action and DDMS registrations in the OSDU.
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The Notification service allows interested consumers to subscribe to data and metadata changes using a publish/subscriber pattern.
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The External Data Sources Data Management Service (EDS DMS) integrates with the Dataset Service to accept and proxy requests for obtaining retrieval instructions for externally resing datasets and proxy. The service is implemented in Java and provides an open API.
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The Geospatial Consumption Zone (GCZ) is a project spawned by the OSDU Geomatics Workstream to streamline the management and consumption of geospatial data in OSDU by client applications.