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Project Management Committee

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To learn more about the Project Management Committee (PMC), please visit our official homepage here. This portal provides comprehensive details about the PMC's governance, charter, project guidelines, release management process and much more. Please note that access is currently restricted to members only.

PMC Release Strategy

OSDU Release Notes - This resource page provides detailed information about the latest releases of the OSDU platform. It includes new features, bug fixes, enhancements, and other relevant information regarding the evolution of the OSDU Data Platform. Developers, contributors, and users can refer to these release notes to stay informed about changes and improvements made to the OSDU platform over time.

OSDU Tagging Notes - This resource provides detailed documentation on the tags created for each milestone release within the OSDU platform. Tags are immutable references that point to specific commits in the release branch, ensuring clarity and traceability throughout the development lifecycle. Each tag corresponds to a significant release version, enabling developers, contributors, and users to precisely identify and access specific points in the platform's release.

Current planned dates for upcoming OSDU milestone releases

Note that the dates below might change depending on various reasons, announcement will be made in PMC Slack channel for further communication

🐌 Updated Mercury Release Cadence starting M23 as announced in the 31-Jan-2024 Focal Point meeting

Milestones Code Dev Start Feature Freeze Code Tagging Start Code Tagging Completed Deployed to Pre Shipping Public Release
M25 26-Jul-24 8-Nov-24 15-Nov-24 29-Nov-24 06-Dec-24 17-Jan-25

Previous dates for OSDU milestone releases (in descending order of dates)

Milestones Code Dev Start Feature Freeze Code Tagging Start Code Tagging Completed Deployed to Pre Shipping Public Release
M24 05-Apr-24 19-Jul-24 26-Jul-24 09-Aug-24 6-Sep-24 03-Oct-24
M23 08-Dec-23 29-Mar-24 05-Apr-24 19-Apr-24 26-Apr-24 24-May-24
M22 13-Oct-23 01-Dec-23 08-Dec-23 15-Dec-23 22-Dec-23 30-Jan-24
M21 25-Aug-23 06-Oct-23 13-Oct-23 20-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 23-Nov-23
M20 07-Jul-23 18-Aug-23 25-Aug-23 06-Sep-23 08-Sep-23 29-Sep-23
M19 19-May-23 30-Jun-23 07-Jul-23 18-Jul-23 21-Jul-23 11-Aug-23
M18 31-Mar-23 12-May-23 19-May-23 31-May-23 02-Jun-23 27-Jun-23
M17 03-Feb-23 17-Mar-23 31-Mar-23 13-Apr-23 19-Apr-23 10-May-23
M16 02-Dec-22 27-Jan-23 03-Feb-23 17-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 15-Mar-23
M15 30-Sep-22 11-Nov-22 02-Dec-22 13-Dec-22 16-Dec-22 13-Jan-23
M14 04-Aug-22 23-Sep-22 30-Sep-22 07-Oct-22 14-Oct-22 09-Nov-22
M13 27-May-22 22-Jul-22 04-Aug-22 12-Aug-22 19-Aug-22 09-Sep-22
M12 28-Mar-22 20-May-22 27-May-22 24-Jun-22 28-Jun-22 12-Jul-22
M11 21-Jan-22 18-Mar-22 28-Mar-22 01-Apr-22 15-Apr-22 03-May-22
M10 Patch 11-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 18-Mar-22 25-Mar-22
M10 22-Oct-21 14-Jan-22 21-Jan-22 28-Jan-22 11-Feb-22 04-Mar-22
M9 27-Aug-21 15-Oct-21 22-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 12-Nov-21 10-Dec-21
M8 16-Jul-21 27-Aug-21 03-Sep-21 17-Sep-21 30-Sep-21
M7 28-May-21 16-Jul-21 30-Jul-21 20-Aug-21
M6 30-Apr-21 28-May-21 02-Jul-21
M5 05-Mar-21 30-Apr-21
M4 12-Feb-21 05-Mar-21
M3 25-Jan-21 12-Feb-21
M1 26-Apr-20 25-Jan-21