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Anand M S / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Ankur Rawat / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Abhiram Bondada / Schema
Apache License 2.0The Schema service supports the registration of new schemas describing "Kinds of data"
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Yan Sushchynski (EPAM) / Wellbore Domain Services
Apache License 2.0Wellbore Domain Data Management Services including type-safe entity access and optimized accessors for bulk data such as logs, trajectories, checkshots.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Reference and Helper Services / Unit
Apache License 2.0The Unit Service provides dimension/measurement and unit definitions. Given two unit definitions, the service also offers conversion parameters in two different parameterizations.
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Sacha Brants / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Vaibhavi Kamani / Vkamani Wellbore Domain Services
Apache License 2.0Wellbore Domain Data Management Services including type-safe entity access and optimized accessors for bulk data such as logs, trajectories, checkshots.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / base-containers-gc / Airflow Helm Chart
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / base-containers-gc / Elastic Helm Chart
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Chad Brockman / GC Infrastructure code
Apache License 2.0Google Cloud Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Reference and Helper Services / CRS Catalog
Apache License 2.0The CRS Catalog Service enables end-users to make CRS selections, search for CRSs given a number of constraints, download of the entire catalog for local caching, and access to various sub-sets of the catalog.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / base-containers-gc / RabbitMQ Helm Chart
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / base-containers-gc / Keycloak Helm Chart
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Vladimir Moiseev / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Asraful Chowdhury / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Nitin Dwivedi / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Indexer Queue
Apache License 2.0The Indexer Queue Service provides a set of APIs that help in forwarding the messages to and from the Storage Service and Indexer Service.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Production / Core / Production and Reservoir Data Management Services
Apache License 2.0This project contains the Production and Reservoir Data Management micro-services which, along with the associated relational data model, as part of Halliburton's contribution.