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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Seismic / Seismic DMS Suite / seismic-dms-sdutil
Apache License 2.0This is sdutil for seismic dms also known as SDMS v3.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Seismic / Seismic DMS Suite / seismic-dms-cpp-lib
Apache License 2.0This is sdapi (C++ library) for seismic dms also known as SDMS v3
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Sean Fisher / seismic-dms-cpp-lib
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Fabien Bosquet / seismic-dms-cpp-lib
Apache License 2.0Fork to work on a fix the azure partitioned dnsZone blob endpoints
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Security and Compliance / Secret
Apache License 2.0Secret Service facilitates the storage and retrieval of various types of secrets in a specified repository(ies) so that secrets can be secured, separated from the secrets in the infrastructure repository, and managed easily by interfacing applications.
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Mina Otgonbold / Secret
Apache License 2.0Secret Service facilitates the storage and retrieval of various types of secrets in a specified repository(ies) so that secrets can be secured, separated from the secrets in the infrastructure repository, and managed easily by interfacing applications.
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Orsu Akhil / Schema
Apache License 2.0The Schema service supports the registration of new schemas describing "Kinds of data"
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Register
Apache License 2.0The Register Service manages subscriptions, action and DDMS registrations in the OSDU.
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Mina Otgonbold / Register
Apache License 2.0The Register Service manages subscriptions, action and DDMS registrations in the OSDU.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Rock and Fluid Sample / rafs-ddms-services
Apache License 2.0Repository for the Rock & Fluid Sample DDMS services for OSDU.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / base-containers-gc / RabbitMQ Helm Chart
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / base-containers-gc / RabbitMQ bootstrap
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / PyType Container
Apache License 2.0Updated -
David Diederich / Python with Git
MIT LicenseA simple container for use in CI jobs, which marries a python-based image with a pre-installed copy of git.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Real Time / Producers / Python Fake Producer
Apache License 2.0A python project for making a fake well-log data producer; to be used for testing the projects under Real Time/Streams.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Real Time / Consumers / Python CLI Kafka Consumer
Apache License 2.0This is a simple consumer of Kafka topics for the OSDU Real Time project.
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David Diederich / Project With Containers
MIT LicenseA project with containers, to test moving them
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Project and Workflow
Apache License 2.0[In development]