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The ArchiMate® Community / The ArchiMate® Community Landing Page
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalPublic landing page for the community: https://archimate-community.org
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Wyatt Nielsen / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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Ankit Sharma [Microsoft] / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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OSDU - Aha Testing / Platform / System / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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Ben Wells / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage Service handles metadata ingestion in OSDU.
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Antonio Andrade / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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Smitha Manjunath / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage Service handles metadata ingestion in OSDU.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Real Time / Consumers / Python CLI Kafka Consumer
Apache License 2.0This is a simple consumer of Kafka topics for the OSDU Real Time project.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Production / Core / Production and Reservoir Data Management Services
Apache License 2.0This project contains the Production and Reservoir Data Management micro-services which, along with the associated relational data model, as part of Halliburton's contribution.
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OSDU / Pre Shipping
Apache License 2.0OSDU platform pre-shipping activities - This repository contains KT sessions, work demos, postman collections to support User Acceptance Testing for milestone releases
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Jeyakumar Devarajulu / Pre Shipping
Apache License 2.0OSDU platform pre shipping activities
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