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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Production / Historian / Services / pddms-csv-parser
Apache License 2.0The CSV Parser is a key component of pddms-csv-parser time-series bulk data ingestion workflow and main processing unit of corresponding Apache Airflow DAG
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / gcp / GC-SD
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Project and Workflow
Apache License 2.0[In development]
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / Drivers / OS OBM
Apache License 2.0OBM (Object to Blob) Mapper
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Production / Historian / Services / pddms-source
Apache License 2.0The Source Management Service enables data source management in the Production DDMS which is together with entity and property - is one of key attribute that defines time-series.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Production / Historian / Services / pddms-core-stream-storage
Apache License 2.0The Stream Storage Core (or internal) Service is a set of low level APIs for time-series data streams management.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Reference and Helper Services / Schema Upgrade
Apache License 2.0[In Development] Schema (and Reference Value) Upgrade Service
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / External Data Sources / EDS DMS
Apache License 2.0The External Data Sources Data Management Service (EDS DMS) integrates with the Dataset Service to accept and proxy requests for obtaining retrieval instructions for externally resing datasets and proxy. The service is implemented in Java and provides an open API.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / gcp / OBM
Apache License 2.0OBM (Object to Blob) Mapper
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Production / Historian / Services / pddms-timeseries-ingestion
Apache License 2.0The Time-series Management Service allows users to ingest time-series bulk data as a array of data points. The data can be written for set of entities, properties and source. User access is restricted through entitlements. The data ingested supports bi-temporality.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Security and Compliance / Secret
Apache License 2.0Secret Service facilitates the storage and retrieval of various types of secrets in a specified repository(ies) so that secrets can be secured, separated from the secrets in the infrastructure repository, and managed easily by interfacing applications.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Consumption Services / GeoSpatial
Apache License 2.0The Geospatial Consumption Zone (GCZ) is a project spawned by the OSDU Geomatics Workstream to streamline the management and consumption of geospatial data in OSDU by client applications.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Well-Planning-Execution / Well Delivery
Apache License 2.0Domain Data Management Service focused on Well Planning and Well Execution
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Security and Compliance / Entitlements
Apache License 2.0Entitlements service is used to enable authorization in OSDU Data Ecosystem. The service allows for the creation and management of groups.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Partition
Apache License 2.0The Partition Service dynamically pulls the correct connection information at runtime to connect to the correct partition.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / CSV Parser / CSV Parser DAG
Apache License 2.0This CSV Parser DAG supports the ingestion workflow for CSV type files
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Register
Apache License 2.0The Register Service manages subscriptions, action and DDMS registrations in the OSDU.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / Ingestion Workflow
Apache License 2.0The Ingestion Workflow service provides a wrapper functionality around the Apache Airflow functions and is designed to carry out preliminary work with files before running the Airflow Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) that will perform actual ingestion of OSDU data.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Notification
Apache License 2.0The Notification service allows interested consumers to subscribe to data and metadata changes using a publish/subscriber pattern.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Dataset
Apache License 2.0The Dataset Service provides internal and external APIs to allow fetching storage/retrieval instructions for various types of datasets.