Release 0.23 began on August 25, 2023. This release corresponds to the "M20" milestone. Details on the coordinated releases for the service groups is available in the General Tagging Notes.
Reading This Document
This document is auto-formatted to inject up-to-date references, pipeline status badges, and branch ahead/behind counts. However, you can feel free to edit it directly. When re-generating the automatic bits, I'll attempt to bring in any commentary that already exists.
The pipeline status icons are generated by GitLab, and represent the latest state of the given branch / tag -- without needing to update the document. If you click on the pipeline status, you can see the details of the pipeline. Notes for the release references (branches / tags) are list under the pipeline badges, indented with a blockquote. If available, dependency information and library versioning are also generated and displayed.
Each service shows the status for release branch and the latest tag. Older tags are hidden by default, but can be expanded to see the historical releases and their corresponding notes.
If the release branch has commits that have not yet been tagged, there will be an extra note that the branch is "Ahead by N commits". It is expected the release branch will always be a commit ahead of the latest tag, since that commit changes the POM versions back to a SNAPSHOT release. However, if it is many commits ahead, it may be that the tag is blocked from proceeding for some reason; maybe a failing pipeline or an urgent patch in the making.