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Antonio Andrade / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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Wyatt Nielsen / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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Ben Wells / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage Service handles metadata ingestion in OSDU.
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Smitha Manjunath / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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OSDU - Aha Testing / Platform / System / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Status Processor
Apache License 2.0[In development] Status Processor Service provides APIs that allow users to query persisted status with multiple filters like correlationId, recordId, stage, and status.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Status Collector
Apache License 2.0[In development] Status Collector is an internal service (not exposed to external calls) and reacts to status messages published in the status message queue. It picks up messages published to the status message queue from every stage (OSDU Service) of the process and normalizes them to store in persistent storage for future reference.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Community Utilities / Spotfire OSDU Connector
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / base-containers-azure / service-base-image
Apache License 2.0Dockerfiles for java,python services
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Seismic / Seismic DMS Suite / seismic-domain-dms-util
Apache License 2.0This is sdutil for seismic domain dms also known as SDMS v4.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Seismic / Seismic DMS Suite / seismic-dms-sdutil
Apache License 2.0This is sdutil for seismic dms also known as SDMS v3.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Seismic / Seismic DMS Suite / seismic-dms-cpp-lib
Apache License 2.0This is sdapi (C++ library) for seismic dms also known as SDMS v3
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Sean Fisher / seismic-dms-cpp-lib
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Fabien Bosquet / seismic-dms-cpp-lib
Apache License 2.0Fork to work on a fix the azure partitioned dnsZone blob endpoints
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / Segy to oZGY Conversion DAG
Apache License 2.0Airflow DAG for transformation from SEGY to OpenZGY
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / Segy to oVDS Conversion DAG
Apache License 2.0Airflow DAG for transformation from SEGY to OpenVDS
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David Diederich / Secret Scanning Hook
MIT LicenseThis project is a test area for the pre-receive server hook that scans for and rejects commits including secrets
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Mina Otgonbold / Secret
Apache License 2.0Secret Service facilitates the storage and retrieval of various types of secrets in a specified repository(ies) so that secrets can be secured, separated from the secrets in the infrastructure repository, and managed easily by interfacing applications.