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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / gcp / OQM
Apache License 2.0OQM (Object to Queue) Mapper
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / gcp / OSM
Apache License 2.0OSM (Object to KV-Store) Mapper
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / azure / OS Core Lib Azure
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / gcp / OBM
Apache License 2.0OBM (Object to Blob) Mapper
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Houari Zegai / File
Apache License 2.0The OSDU R2 File service provides internal and external APIs to request for file location data, such as a signed URL per file upload. Using the signed URL, OSDU R2 users will be able to upload their files for ingestion to the system.
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FHIM / FHIM Profile Builder
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Sergey Krupenin (EPAM) / File
Apache License 2.0The OSDU R2 File service provides internal and external APIs to request for file location data, such as a signed URL per file upload. Using the signed URL, OSDU R2 users will be able to upload their files for ingestion to the system.
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Wyatt Nielsen / OS Core Lib AWS
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Fritz Davenport / csv-parser
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Reference and Helper Services / Unit
Apache License 2.0The Unit Service provides dimension/measurement and unit definitions. Given two unit definitions, the service also offers conversion parameters in two different parameterizations.
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Wyatt Nielsen / Storage
Apache License 2.0The Storage service has three different categories of API's 1.Schemas 2.Records 3.Query for schema and record management.
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Ankit Sharma [Microsoft] / Legal
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Mina Otgonbold / EDS DMS
Apache License 2.0The External Data Sources Data Management Service (EDS DMS) integrates with the Dataset Service to accept and proxy requests for obtaining retrieval instructions for externally resing datasets and proxy. The service is implemented in Java and provides an open API.
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Mikhail Davydenko / entitlements-gcp-java
Apache License 2.0R3 Implementation of Entitlements service for GCP. Service follow standard technical stack:
Java 8 Spring BootUpdated -
Bhakti Thakkar / csv-parser
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / gcp / GC-OBM
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Stephen Whitley (Invited Expert) / Schema
Apache License 2.0[Stable] The Schema Service enables schema management in the OSDU and offers an implementation of the schema standard.
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OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / ibm / OS Core Lib IBM
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Alan Braz / Legal
Apache License 2.0Updated