Explore projects
The Unit Service provides dimension/measurement and unit definitions. Given two unit definitions, the service also offers conversion parameters in two different parameterizations.
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The Search Service supports full-text search on string fields, range queries on date, numeric or string fields, along with geo-spatial search.
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The CRS Catalog Service enables end-users to make CRS selections, search for CRSs given a number of constraints, download of the entire catalog for local caching, and access to various sub-sets of the catalog.
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The CRS Conversion Service provides spatial reference conversions for coordinates. Coordinates are represented by an array of 3D points.
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The Indexer Service indexes the metadata store to support the Search Service.
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The Schema Service enables schema management in the OSDU and offers an implementation of the schema standard.
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The Storage Service handles metadata ingestion in OSDU.
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The Indexer Queue Service provides a set of APIs that help in forwarding the messages to and from the Storage Service and Indexer Service.
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Legal service is to help ensure data compliance with legal data governance when dealing with data in the Data Ecosystem by managing legal tags
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Open Subsurface Data Universe will use this repository to maintain the open datasets used for testing and demonstrating the solution.
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Wellbore Domain Data Management Services including type-safe entity access and optimized accessors for bulk data such as logs, trajectories, checkshots.
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Manifest bulk loader
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The Dataset Service provides internal and external APIs to allow fetching storage/retrieval instructions for various types of datasets.