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Remove SNAPSHOT dependencies

David Diederich requested to merge snapshot-removal into master

This automated MR removes usage of SNAPSHOT versions in the first party library dependencies. Since SNAPSHOT dependencies change frequently -- by their nature -- usage of them across projects is dangerous and should be avoided.

Dependency Information Before the Upgrade

Branch: master
SHA:    add426a09e46f92bcead3bbf6e58a82d17b3d7ce
Maven:  0.27.0-SNAPSHOT
Maven Dependencies Root testing/
apd-core 0.24.0-rc1
core-lib-azure-spring6 0.27.0-rc3 0.26.0
core-lib-gc 0.26.0-rc5
core-lib-gc-spring6 0.26.0-rc5
core-plus-common-lib 0.24.0-rc2
os-core-lib-aws 0.26.0-spring6-rc1 0.26.0-spring6-rc1
obm 0.25.0
oqm 0.25.0
os-core-common 0.25.0
os-core-common-spring6 0.26.0-rc2, 0.26.0-SNAPSHOT 0.26.0
os-core-lib-ibm 0.26.0-rc8 0.26.0-rc8
os-obm-core 0.25.0-rc1
os-oqm-core 0.25.0-rc1
os-osm-core 0.25.0-rc2
osm 0.25.0
Critical: Found SNAPSHOT OSDU dependencies (these are dangerous and should never be used as a dependency)
└─ _Root_
   └─ org.opengroup.osdu.schema-core-plus == 0.27.0-SNAPSHOT
      └─ org.opengroup.osdu.os-core-common-spring6 == 0.26.0-SNAPSHOT
Warning: Found OSDU dependencies with an unexpected format (I don't know what to do with these)
├─ _Root_
│  └─ org.opengroup.osdu.os-schema-aws == 0.27.0-SNAPSHOT
│     └─ == 0.26.0-spring6-rc1
└─ testing/
   └─ org.opengroup.osdu.schema-test-core == 0.27.0-SNAPSHOT
      └─ == 0.26.0-spring6-rc1

Dependency Information After the Upgrade

Branch: snapshot-removal
SHA:    0b259d9b82409a4f7e300c99f10abff90ffdf857
Maven:  0.27.0-SNAPSHOT
Maven Dependencies Root testing/
apd-core 0.24.0-rc1
core-lib-azure-spring6 0.27.0-rc3 0.26.0
core-lib-gc 0.26.0-rc5
core-lib-gc-spring6 0.26.0-rc5
core-plus-common-lib 0.24.0-rc2
os-core-lib-aws 0.26.0-spring6-rc1 0.26.0-spring6-rc1
obm 0.25.0
oqm 0.25.0
os-core-common 0.25.0
os-core-common-spring6 0.26.0-rc2, 0.26.0 0.26.0
os-core-lib-ibm 0.26.0-rc8 0.26.0-rc8
os-obm-core 0.25.0-rc1
os-oqm-core 0.25.0-rc1
os-osm-core 0.25.0-rc2
osm 0.25.0
Warning: Found OSDU dependencies with an unexpected format (I don't know what to do with these)
├─ _Root_
│  └─ org.opengroup.osdu.os-schema-aws == 0.27.0-SNAPSHOT
│     └─ == 0.26.0-spring6-rc1
└─ testing/
   └─ org.opengroup.osdu.schema-test-core == 0.27.0-SNAPSHOT
      └─ == 0.26.0-spring6-rc1

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