Azure SDKs Upgrade and Dependency Management
All Submissions:
- [YES] Have you followed our code review guidelines?
- [YES] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
- [YES] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
- [NA] I have added tests to cover my changes.
- [YES] All new and existing tests passed.
- [YES] My code follows the code style of this project.
- [NO] I ran lint checks locally prior to submission.
What is the current behavior?
- Old version of Azure SDKs are used in service.
- Versions of dependencies which are common across all OSDU services are not consistent/same in all OSDU services.
What is the new behavior?
- All Azure SDKs are upgraded to latest stable version.
- Common dependencies are inherited from core-lib-azure as managed dependencies. This will make sure that version info of those dependencies are inherited from core-lib-azure. All OSDU services using same version of core-lib-azure will automatically use same versions for all those dependencies.
- Changes to support new cosmos-store.
Does this introduce a breaking change?
- [NO]
Any relevant logs, error output, etc?
(If it’s long, please paste to and insert the link here.)
Other information
Merge request reports
added 67 commits
ec6ea270...243e5996 - 62 commits from branch
- ddc6dc5c - tmep changes
- 76265c05 - - Changes to support latest azure-cosmosdb.
- 67660dd8 - Using latest core-lib-azure version
- 1db77fe6 - Using properties for defining version
- 996e63f8 - Changes to support azure-cosmos version 4.7.1 and latest CosmosStore
Toggle commit list-
ec6ea270...243e5996 - 62 commits from branch
added 20 commits
e60d6fb5...371fcb13 - 15 commits from branch
- e92b4c82 - tmep changes
- a5a8a2a8 - - Changes to support latest azure-cosmosdb.
- 0b6f2a01 - Using latest core-lib-azure version
- 75f790ff - Using properties for defining version
- 9d7a97f2 - Changes to support azure-cosmos version 4.7.1 and latest CosmosStore
Toggle commit list-
e60d6fb5...371fcb13 - 15 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 9d7a97f2 succeeds
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 9d7a97f2 succeeds
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 2a2ff0f8 succeeds
added 9 commits
2a2ff0f8...aef39d50 - 2 commits from branch
- e62d2594 - tmep changes
- 342c9bd2 - - Changes to support latest azure-cosmosdb.
- 91722663 - Using latest core-lib-azure version
- d71d2559 - Using properties for defining version
- 92b2c4c9 - Changes to support azure-cosmos version 4.7.1 and latest CosmosStore
- 86108654 - Updating Notice file
- 3051615a - Disabling keyVault health indicator
Toggle commit list-
2a2ff0f8...aef39d50 - 2 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 15f3eff6
added Azure label
changed milestone to %M1 - Release 0.1
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