OSDU ref software utilities from IBM
Merge request reports
assigned to @anujgupta
added 1 commit
- 191616f8 - added amq, minio, keycloak and couch after testing
requested review from @kaliprasanna-basu1
requested review from @Travis.Purcell, @mksing28, and @shrikgar
requested review from @seanfisher
@Travis.Purcell and @seanfisher Please review .
It includes minio, keycloak, amq and couch which are tested. Rest all are just indicative only as of now.
Edited by Anuj GuptaThe Redis implementation does not appear to properly deploy to a local kubernetes cluster (minikube) - we are getting errors indicating the pod is not properly configured (perhaps missing a required template). We will test other implementations on our side as well to verify as well, but if you can explain how this was tested maybe we can align and test in a similar manner.
pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.
Redis was successfully installed on the pod, however this error causes the pod to enter a perpetual state of "pending". This was tested with redeploys and also on two separate machines to ensure.We have version that does not contain the issues above that we pulled from Bitnami in the helm-redis branch if you would like to confirm.
Edited by Travis PurcellHi @Travis.Purcell . Redis and istio were just indicative and not tested. That is the reason the redis, istio and elastic are just kept false/disabled at parent osdu charts. I will delete those 3 folders.
@Travis.Purcell I have deleted the folders of redis, istio and es as discussed earlier. If you are fine, can we get this merged to master so that atleast baseline is there and team can use the same for subsequent feature/branch/deploy testing as well.
added 1 commit
- d23dddf4 - included review comments to delete the istio, redis and es. AMQ bug fx as well
requested review from @sukumar.c
added 1 commit
- 40221c79 - commented es,istio and redis in Chart as well
mentioned in commit 72ca1fc7