Project and Workflow
This is the repository for Project & Workflow Service (P&WFS). Project & Workflow Service (P&WFS) capability is to deliver a service which achieves supporting more efficient and better decision-making on large scale capital investments. This capability group are aiming for a step change in collaboration, workflow processes and information recorded throughout projects and decision gates. Enabling enhanced assurance, rich contextual information capture, and the pursuit of excellence in project decision-making.
Getting Started
For the first time access
- Follow the onboarding process to get familiar with the OSDU platform Onboarding checklist.
- General information and processes PWS Wiki
AWS Implementation
All documentation for the AWS implementation of PWS service lives here
Open API 3.0 - Swagger
- Swagger UI : https://host/context-path/swagger (will redirect to https://host/context-path/swagger-ui/index.html)
- api-docs (JSON) : https://host/context-path/api-docs
- api-docs (YAML) : https://host/context-path/api-docs.yaml
All the Swagger and OpenAPI related common properties are managed here
Server Url(full path vs relative path) configuration
It will generate full server url in the OpenAPI swagger -
It will generate only the contextPath only - default value is false (Currently only in Azure it is enabled) [Reference]:(
Running integration tests
Integration tests are located in a separate project for each cloud in the testing
under the project root directory.
Instructions for running the AWS integration tests can be found here.
Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0; details can be found in LICENSE.