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Service Configuration for Google Cloud

Table of Contents




Environment variables

Common properties for all environments

name value description sensitive? source
APP_ENTITLEMENTS ex Entitlements API endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
APP_REGISTER ex Storage API endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
PARTITION_API ex http://localhost:8081/api/partition/v1 Partition service endpoint no -
SERVICE_TOKEN_PROVIDER ex GCP or OPENID Service token provider no -

System Environment required to run service

name value description sensitive? source
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE gcp spring active profile no
REDIS_HOST ex Redis host no -
REDIS_PORT ex 6379 Redis port no -
REDIS_PASSWORD ex `` Redis password yes -
REDIS_WITH_SSL ex true or false Redis host ssl config no

For Mappers to activate drivers

name value description
OQMDRIVER pubsub to activate OQM driver for Google PubSub
OQMDRIVER rabbitmq to activate OQM driver for Rabbit MQ

For Google Cloud only

name value description sensitive? source
APP_PROJECT ex opendes Google Cloud Project Id no output of infrastructure deployment
service account IAM roles

Also, the following IAM roles should be assigned to the service's Google service account (SA)

IAM role The purpose
Service Account Token Creator To write yourself JWT for requesting neighbor microservices
Pub/Sub Editor To fetch available PubSub topics and subscriptions and be able to create them


After the service has started it should be accessible via a web browser by visiting http://localhost:8080/api/notification/v1/swagger-ui.html. If the request does not fail, you can then run the integration tests.

Dependencies needed to run the integration tests

  • Java 8
  • Maven
  • Values for the following environment variables in
name value description sensitive? source
DE_OPS_TESTER ***** Service account base64 encoded string for API calls. Note: this user must have entitlements configured already, also Private key id of this account must be set in Register service variable SUBSCRIBER_PRIVATE_KEY_ID yes
INTEGRATION_TESTER ***** Service account base64 encoded string for API calls. yes
HMAC_SECRET ex7a786376626e String in hex , must match pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8,30}+$ & be in register variable SUBSCRIBER_SECRET yes -
REGISTER_BASE_URL http://localhost:8081/api/register/v1 Register service url no -
OSDU_TENANT ex osdu osdu tenant no -
INTEGRATION_AUDIENCE ex osdu integration audience no -
TOPIC_ID ex records-changed PubSub topic id no
STORAGE_HOST http://localhost:8081/api/storage/v1/ Storage service url no -
LEGAL_HOST http://localhost:8081/api/legal/v1/ Legal service url no -
GROUP_ID Group id, used in storage record ACL. Full group will be "data.default.viewers@{{data-partition-id}}.{{group_id}}" no -

Entitlements configuration for integration accounts


Above variables should be configured in the release pipeline to run integration tests. You should also replace them with proper values if you wish to run tests locally.

Commands to run tests

  • Integration tests are refactored into two pieces: Core and Provider. Core contains business logic for tests and is a dependency for executing the tests from provider module. To build the core module, simply navigate to notification-test-core directory and run mvn clean install. This will build the core module
  • Next, to execute the integration tests, navigate to the provider module and execute mvn test
# (cd testing/notification-test-core/ && mvn clean install)
# Note: this assumes that the environment variables for integration tests as outlined
#       above are already exported in your environment.
$ (cd testing/notification-test-gc/ && mvn clean test)

Navigate to notification service's root folder and run all the tests:

# build + test + install core service code
$ (cd notification-core/ && mvn clean install)

PubSub configuration

At PubSub should be created set of topics and subscriptions. (see Overview)

topic name subscription name pattern description sensitive?
register-subscriber-control notification-control-sub Register subscriber control topic yes
{topic-name} e.g. records-changed notification-{topic-name}-service Service topics from topics.json on Register service yes
{topic-name}-publish e.g. records-changed-publish notification-{topic-name}-publish Publish topics in relation 1-on-1 for each service topic yes

Control topic name can be overridden by:

  • through the Spring Boot property oqm-register-subscriber-control-topic-name

Important. Dead lettering configuration

Default values of subscription settings Dead lettering = Disabled, and Retry policy = Retry immediately leads to a significant increase in paying bills.

To avoid such a situation need to configure the dead letter topic and set parameters:

  • Maximum delivery attempts = 5
  • Retry policy = Retry after exponential backoff delay
  • Minimum backoff duration = 10 seconds
  • Maximum backoff duration = 600 seconds

On the subscription dead lettering settings tab:

  • Select an active dead letter topic
  • Assign Publisher role
  • Assign Subscriber role
  • Dead letter topic should not be the source topic

Notification service uses a common dead-lettering-notification topic because dead lettering logic is not supported yet.

Example for records-changed topic:
