Unique bucket name across GCP (GONRG-701)
2 unresolved threads
2 unresolved threads
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Moved credentials classes into core-lib-gcp.
Fixed a bug related to getting of bucket name (Bucket name should be unique across GCP. We had to add ProjectID to the naming to fix the issue with provisioning of a new bucket)
Added a property 'enable.full.bucket.name'. If it is 'true', the bucket name will be tenantInfo.getProjectId() + "-" + tenantInfo.getName() + "-" + BUCKET_NAME
, otherwise, tenantInfo.getName() + "-" + BUCKET_NAME
. Moreover,
This bucket name will be tenantInfo.getName() + "-" + BUCKET_NAME
for a case related to 'enable.full.bucket.name=null'
Check business logic.
Any comments to approvers here
Moved credentials classes into core-lib-gcp.