# Version Check Script for Helm Chart Dependencies
This Python script checks if the versions of dependencies in a Helm `Chart.yaml` file are up-to-date with the latest available tags from a GitLab repository. It also supports ignoring specific dependencies during version checks based on an environment variable.
## Features
-**Fetch Latest Tags from GitLab**: The script fetches the latest tags for Helm dependencies stored in a GitLab repository.
-**Version Comparison**: Compares the version specified in `Chart.yaml` with the latest tag in the GitLab repository.
-**Skip Certain Dependencies**: You can specify dependencies to ignore during the version check using the `IGNORE_VERSIONS` environment variable.
-**Supports Multiple GitLab Repositories**: Can work with repositories under different domains.
-**Error Handling**: Logs errors for missing environment variables, inaccessible GitLab repositories, and invalid tags.
## How It Works
1.**Load the Helm Chart**: The script loads the `Chart.yaml` file from the path specified by the `CHART_YAML_PATH` environment variable.
2.**Fetch Latest GitLab Tags**: For each dependency, the script fetches the latest tag from the corresponding GitLab repository.
3.**Version Comparison**: Compares the version of the dependency from `Chart.yaml` with the latest GitLab tag.
4.**Skip Version Check for Ignored Dependencies**: Dependencies listed in the `IGNORE_VERSIONS` environment variable are skipped during the version check.
5.**Output**: Logs and prints mismatched versions in red, and at the end, provides a summary of all services where mismatches were found.
You can install the required libraries using the following command:
pip install python-gitlab pyyaml termcolor
## Environment Variables
The script relies on the following environment variables:
1.**`CI_JOB_TOKEN`** (required): Used to authenticate with the GitLab API.
2.**`CHART_YAML_PATH`** (required): Path to the `Chart.yaml` file that defines the dependencies.
3.**`IGNORE_VERSIONS`** (optional): A comma-separated list of dependency names to skip during version checks (e.g., `elasticsearch,gc-infra-bootstrap`).
## Usage
1. Set up the required environment variables:
-`CI_JOB_TOKEN`: GitLab job token for API authentication.
-`CHART_YAML_PATH`: Full path to the `Chart.yaml` file.
-`IGNORE_VERSIONS` (optional): List of dependency names to skip version checks.
2. Run the script:
python script.py
### Output
If there are version mismatches, the output will look like this:
Version mismatch for elasticsearch: Chart version = 17.9.29, Latest tag = 18.0.0
Version mismatch for airflow: Chart version = 0.0.7-latest, Latest tag = 0.0.8-latest
Summary of version mismatches:
elasticsearch: Chart version = 17.9.29, Latest tag = 18.0.0
airflow: Chart version = 0.0.7-latest, Latest tag = 0.0.8-latest