| **project_zone** | your Google Cloud project zone | string | `us-central1-c`| none | yes |
| **datastore_location** | Location of Datastore (default) database. Available locations: `https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/locations` | string | `nam5`| none | yes |
| **data_partition_name** | Name of Data Partition. Must contain only lowercase letters and numbers. Maximum length of the element is 25 characters | string | `"osdu1"` | `"osdu"` | yes
| **internal_elastic** | Elastic type. Must be configured correctly when using external elastic | bool | `true` | `true` | yes
| **internal_elastic** | The default internal elastic is used. When using an external elastic, use the value false, and all credentials must be replaced with the correct ones for the external elastic | bool | `true` | `true` | yes
| **elastic_user** | Elastic user configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic user.| string | `elastic` | `elastic` | yes
| **elastic_pass** | Elastic pass configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic pass.| string | `p@ssw0rd` | `p@ssw0rd` | yes
| **elastic_host** | Elastic host configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic host.| string | `elasticsearch` | `elasticsearch` | yes