@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ Then, configure the variables in the variables.tf file using any code editor:
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ Then, configure the variables in the variables.tf file using any code editor:
`bucket_lifetime` | How many days the archived files will be stored in buckets | number | `100` | `3660` | yes
`bucket_lifetime` | How many days the archived files will be stored in buckets | number | `100` | `3660` | yes
`bucket_storage_class` | Storage classes of the Cloud Storage | string | `MULTI_REGIONAL`| `STANDARD` | yes
`bucket_storage_class` | Storage classes of the Cloud Storage | string | `MULTI_REGIONAL`| `STANDARD` | yes
`internal_elastic` | Elastic type. Use internal by default, must be changed when using external | bool | `true` | `true` | yes
`internal_elastic` | Elastic type. Use internal by default, must be changed when using external | bool | `true` | `true` | yes
`elastic_user` | Elastic user configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic user `if external elastic is used`.| string | elastic | none | yes
`elastic_user` | Elastic user configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic user `if external elastic is used`.| string | osdu1_user | none | yes
`elastic_pass` | Elastic pass configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic pass `if external elastic is used`.| string | p@ssw0rd | none | yes
`elastic_pass` | Elastic pass configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic pass `if external elastic is used`.| string | p@ssw0rd | none | yes
`elastic_host` | Elastic host configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic host `if external elastic is used`.| string | elasticsearch | none | yes
`elastic_host` | Elastic host configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic host `if external elastic is used`.| string | osdu2-instance-name.es.us-central1.cloud.es.io | none | yes
`elastic_port` | Elastic port configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic port `if external elastic is used`.| string | 9200 | none | yes
`elastic_port` | Elastic port configurations. Must contain configuration of elastic port `if external elastic is used`.| string | 9243 | none | yes