@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ At GCP project we could find cloudFunction which is called `postman-function-pyt
## Release process
* Create release branch from master, if not exist. Example: `release/0.14`
* Run pipeline on master brunch with manually set variable TAG. Example: `TAG=v0.14.0`
* Run pipeline on *release* brunch with manually set variable TAG. Example: `TAG=v0.14.0`
* After pipeline success, new MR should be generated in release branch. Example MR name: `Auto-release for 0.14.0`
* If MR merged, go to release brunch and drop a proper [tag](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/deployment-and-operations/infra-gcp-provisioning/-/tags) on it.