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OSDU Baremetal helm chart

NOTE: We recommend against upgrading to a newer version, as it is neither supported nor advisable.

NOTE: Check that you're in release branch (example release/0.22). Master branch can be unstable due to development

The chart can install all the required infrastructure applications (intended to replace cloud-native solutions like pub/sub, cloud storage, and datastore for baremetal solutions) and OSDU services on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

The infrastructure is not production ready and provided for informational purposes only.

NOTE: Installing the OSDU Baremetal Helm chart in namespaces other than the default namespace is generally not supported and can lead to unpredictable behaviour.If deployment in a different namespace is absolutely necessary, be prepared to invest time in customizing configurations and thoroughly testing to ensure all aspects function correctly.

Infrastructure Components added to the OSDU Baremetal helm chart:

  • Airflow (chart version 13.0.5, application version 2.3.3)
  • Elasticsearch (chart version 17.9.29, application version 7.17.3)
  • Keycloak (chart version 14.0.1, application version 21.0.2)
  • MinIO (chart version 12.6.3, application version 2023.5.18)
  • Postgresql (chart version 12.4.3, application version 15.2.0)
  • RabbitMQ (chart version 11.15.2, application version 3.11.15)

On baremetal the helm chart can be installed in two modes:

  • Light mode
  • Service Mesh mode

Light mode

Helm chart installs OSDU to the namespace not labeled by Istio. 1

  • Istio sidecar injection is enabled only for Partition, Entitlements, Indexer and File OSDU Services on per-pod basis to meet basic security requirements. In this case Istio security policies are applied and Istio performs requests authentication function.
  • It requires fewer hardware resources.
  • Istio is required and used for traffic routing.

Service Mesh mode

Helm chart is installed to the namespace labeled by Istio. 1

  • In this case each pod works with an Istio sidecar injected. Istio executes requests authentication function and additionally provides all opportunities of Servise Mesh, like mutual TLS, collection of telemetry data, fine-grained control of traffic behavior, etc.
  • It requires more hardware resources than Light mode. 2


Before starting installation, please ensure that all the required tools and resources are ready and configured. The steps to install the helm charts in one of the two, Light or Service Mesh, modes follow the instructions as below, respectively:

  • To install the helm charts in Light mode perform steps 1 to 4 and verify the requirements as in step 6.
  • To install the helm charts in Service Mesh mode perform the steps 1 to 5 and verify the requirements as in step 6.

1. Operating system

The code works on Debian-based Linux (Debian 10+ and Ubuntu 20.04+) and Windows WSL 2. All other operating systems, including macOS and Google Cloud Shell, are not verified and supported.

2. Packages

Packages needed for installation from a local computer.

  • Kubectl (version: v1.27.0 or higher) kubectl3
  • HELM (version: v3.12.0 or higher) helm3
  • Git (version: v2.25 or higher) git3

3. Kubernetes cluster

Create a kubernetes cluster with the following requirements:

  • Hardware resources The minimum hardware requirements differ for two modes of Helm installation (described below):

    • For Light mode minimum 4 vCPUs and 24 GB of RAM should be available cumulatively in all nodes.
    • For Service Mesh mode minimum 8 vCPUs and 27 GB of RAM should be available cumulatively in all nodes.
  • Storage Class All OSDU services are stateless and don't require any persistent volumes. However, if you deploy infrastructure dependencies, you need to specify the storage class with the command below:

    kubectl annotate sc <STORAGE_CLASS_NAME> ""="true"

    The minimum recommended storage requests for all infrastructure's persistent volumes are 55 GB.

4. Install ISTIO in cluster

Install ISTIO, version 1.17.2 or above, this installation has been tested with default installation configuration profile.

Visit this site for detailed information about how to install ISTIO in your cluster.

To learn more about ISTIO installation configuration profile visit this link.

5. Add namespace label (for Service Mesh mode)

This step is required to install the helm charts in Service Mesh mode. Add a namespace label, to application <namespace> to instruct Istio to automatically inject Envoy sidecar proxies when you deploy your application later. To add the namespace run the following command, replace <namespace> with the namespace in which your application would be installed

kubectl label namespace <namespace> istio-injection=enabled

6. HTTP/HTTPS modes

OSDU Baremetal helm chart supports both HTTP and HTTPS modes.

Switching between HTTP and HTTPS mode is done by setting the value of global.useHttps to either true for HTTPS or false for HTTP.

Enabling HTTPS requires proper TLS certificates for each domain to be created and added to Kubernetes cluster as secrets before the installation of OSDU Baremetal helm chart.

Creation of certificates and Kubernetes secrets is currently not automated and requires manual configuration by experienced engineer. Below we provide additional information regarding some details of HTTPS configuration.

HTTPS Configuration

To enable OSDU Baremetal helm chart simple installation with HTTPS the value of global.useHttps must be set to true.

TLS certificates must be created for the following domains:

  • osdu.<domain>
  • airflow.<domain>
  • keycloak.<domain>
  • minio.<domain>
  • s3.<domain>

Detail instructions how to obtain TLS certificates and create Kubernetes secrets are avaliable here.

As a result Kubernetes secrets of type should be created. Afterwards following values must be provided during installation:

Name Description Type Example Required
domain.tls.osduCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for osdu subdomain string osdu-ingress-tls yes
domain.tls.minioCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for minio subdomain string minio-ingress-tls yes
domain.tls.s3CredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for s3 subdomain string s3-ingress-tls yes
domain.tls.keycloakCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for keycloak subdomain string keycloak-ingress-tls yes
domain.tls.airflowCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for airflow subdomain string airflow-ingress-tls yes
keycloak.proxy keycloak reverse proxy mode, should be set to none in case of HTTP string edge yes
minio.useInternalServerUrl should be set to true if using self-signed TLS certificates boolean false yes

7. Verification

To verify that all the resources and tools are ready for installation, perform the following steps:

  • To check kubectl version run:

    kubectl version --short | grep 'Client Version'
  • To check Helm version run:

    helm version | awk -F '[{,]' '{print $1 $2}'
  • To check if you are connected to correct cluster run:

    kubectl config current-context
  • To check the nodes in kubernetes cluster run:

    kubectl get nodes
  • To verify ISTIO installation run:

    kubectl get svc -A | grep 'istio-'

    The output list can be similar as noted below:

    • istio-citadel

    • istio-galley

    • istio-ingressgateway

    • istio-pilot

    • istio-policy

    • istio-sidecar-injector

    • istio-telemetry

      Note: The services in the above list may also vary upon version and installation profile used, for confirmation kindly refer to the documentation of the specific version on ISTIOs official site.

  • To get ISTIO Ingress Gateway IP address run:

    kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -A
  • For Service Mesh mode ensure if application <namespace> is labeled. Run the following command to check if the <namespace> is enabled for istio-injection:

    kubectl label namespace <namespace> istio-injection=enabled

    The output should include the lines:

    <namespace> ACTIVE 35m enabled


Prepare custom-values.yaml file by example. It is needed to use only alphanumerical characters and at least 8 symbols for passwords.

General variables
Name Description Type Default Required
global.domain4 DNS name of OSDU installation string none yes
global.dataPartitionId primary data partition id string osdu yes
global.useHttps If true - allow https access boolean true yes
global.limitsEnabled Whether CPU and memory limits are enabled boolean true yes
domain.tls.osduCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for osdu subdomain string "osdu-ingress-tls" yes
domain.tls.minioCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for minio subdomain string "minio-ingress-tls" yes
domain.tls.s3CredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for s3 subdomain string "s3-ingress-tls" yes
domain.tls.keycloakCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for keycloak subdomain string "keycloak-ingress-tls" yes
domain.tls.airflowCredentialName Secret name that contains TLS certificate for airflow subdomain string "airflow-ingress-tls" yes
conf.createSecrets If true - Secret resources are created boolean true yes
Airflow variables
Name Description Type Default Required
airflow.enabled If true install Airflow boolean true yes host of the external database, this variable is required if you are using an internal airflow string airflow-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local no
airflow.externalDatabase.user user of the external database, this variable is required if you are using an internal airflow string keycloak no5
airflow.externalDatabase.password user's password of the external database, this variable is required if you are using an internal airflow string - yes5
airflow.externalDatabase.database PostgreSQL database for Airflow, this variable is required if you are using an internal airflow string keycloak no5
airflow.postgresql.enabled Deploy and use separate PostgreSQL service for Airflow, this variable is required if you are using an internal airflow boolean false no Password for "postgres" user, this variable is required if you are using an internal airflow string - no Airflow PostgreSQL database, this variable is required if you are using an internal airflow string airflow no
bootstrap.airflow.username user of the external airflow, this variable is required if you are using an external airflow and the value airflow.enabled for the airflow service is set to false string - no
bootstrap.airflow.password user's password of the external airflow, this variable is required if you are using an external airflow and the value airflow.enabled for the airflow service is set to false string - no

More details on configuration can be found in the original Bitnami Helm Chart Repository

Bootstrap variables
Name Description Type Default Required Bootstrap service account string bootstrap-sa yes
bootstrap.keycloak.secret.keycloakService Defines DNS(service name) to keycloak string http://keycloak yes
bootstrap.keycloak.secret.keycloakRealmName Defines realm name. string osdu yes
bootstrap.postgres.secret.postgresqlUser User for postgresql bootstrap part string postgres yes
bootstrap.postgres.secret.postgresqlPort Port of PostgreSQL string 5432 yes
Elastic variables
Name Description Type Default Required Password for "elastic" user string - yes Create self-signed TLS certificates boolean true yes

More details on configuration can be found in the original Bitnami Helm Chart Repository.

Keycloak variables
Name Description Type Default Required
keycloak.enabled If true install Keycloak boolean true yes
keycloak.auth.adminPassword Keycloak administrator password for login "user" string - no
keycloak.service.type Defines type of service to expose Keycloak string ClusterIP yes
keycloak.postgresql.enabled Deploy and use separate PostgreSQL service for Keycloak boolean false no
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecret Secret name with DB host, post, user name, and password string keycloak-database-secret yes
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretPasswordKey Key in K8S secret with password for DB string KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_PASSWORD yes
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretHostKey Key in K8S secret with host path for DB string KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_HOST yes
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretPortKey Key in K8S secret with connection port for DB string KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_PORT yes
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretUserKey Key in K8S secret with user to connect the DB string KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_USER yes
keycloak.externalDatabase.existingSecretDatabaseKey Key in K8S secret with DB name to connect string KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_NAME yes
keycloak.proxy If you use https to open admin console this value should be "reencrypt", otherwise - change for "none" string reencrypt yes

More details on configuration can be found in the original Bitnami Helm Chart Repository.

Minio variables
Name Description Type Default Required
minio.enabled If true install the MinIO service boolean true yes
minio.auth.rootUser MinIO root user name string minio yes
minio.auth.rootPassword MinIO root user password (at least 8 characters) string - yes
minio.airflowLogUserPassword Defines minio log user password for Airflow string - yes
minio.useInternalServerUrl If true MinIO Console will use internal Kubernetes endpoint for connecting to the MinIO Server boolean false yes

WARNING: Minio, by default, uses the Single-Node Single-Drive ("Standalone") mode, which is suitable for local development and evaluation with no or limited reliability and without the use of Persistent Volumes. To use the Multi-Node Multi-Drive ("Distributed") mode for enterprise-grade high-performance object storage with data persistence in Persistent Volumes, change the mode variable to "distributed" in the values.yaml file.

More details on configuration can be found in the original Bitnami Helm Chart Repository.

PostgreSQL variables
Name Description Type Default Required
postgresql.enabled If true install PostgreSQL boolean true yes Password for "postgres" user string - yes PostgreSQL username string - no PostgreSQL password string - no PostgreSQL database string postgres no
bootstrap.postgres.external.enabled If true provision(not install) external databases boolean false no
bootstrap.postgres.<service_names>.name Database name string <service_name> yes
bootstrap.postgres.<service_names>.user Database username string <service_name> yes
bootstrap.postgres.<service_names>.host Database host(ip, dns) for external database string - no
bootstrap.postgres.<service_names>.port Database port for external database string 5432 yes
bootstrap.postgres.<service_names>.password Database password string no

More details on configuration can be found in the original Bitnami Helm Chart Repository.

RabbitMQ variables
Name Description Type Default Required
rabbitmq.enabled If true install the RabbitMQ service boolean true yes
rabbitmq.auth.username RabbitMQ user name string - yes
rabbitmq.auth.password Password password string none yes
rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie RabbitMQ Erlang cookie string - no6
rabbitmq.logs.value RabbitMQ Log Level string error yes

More details on configuration can be found in the original Bitnami Helm Chart Repository.
More details about log levels on configuration can be found in the original documentation Log Levels.

Services variables
Name Description Type Default Required
gc_entitlements_deploy.auth.publicUrl4 DNS name of OSDU installation string none yes
gc__deploy.conf.domain4 DNS name of OSDU installation string none yes

More details about helm charts can be found in the original documentation:

NOTE: Starting from version 0.24.x, we've stopped using the Policy service to validate requests from other services by default. To change this behavior you need to set two parameters in values.yaml file to true:


Installation with custom values

Helm chart could be installed as a simple deploy with a shortlist of custom values

The link for the simple deploy is here.


Be careful! Helm installs services to the current kube config context

Switch to the required kube config context if you use several kube config contexts

kubectl config use-context <CONTEXT_NAME>

To install the latest released Helm chart use the following command:

helm install -f custom-values.yaml osdu-baremetal oci://

To install a specific version of the Helm chart use the --version flag:

helm install -f custom-values.yaml osdu-baremetal oci:// --version 0.19.3

All available versions can be found here.

It takes about 10-20 minutes to install infrastructure applications and OSDU services. It is an expected behavior pods restart several times until they are ready.

After the helm install process is completed, it provides the list of OSDU Services endpoints, which you can use for verification of the status of your applications. Before verification please wait for around 20 mins till all the pods are in running state.

To check the status of pods do run the following command from terminal

kubectl get pods

OSDU services endpoints

The list of OSDU services endpoints would look like as below, wherein "domain_name" would be replaced with the domain you have provided earlier in values.yaml.

Depending on the value of global.useHttps - endpoints will have either HTTP or HTTPS scheme. By default OSDU uses HTTPS scheme.

Config:         "https://osdu.domain_name/api/config/v1/info"
CRS-Catalog:    "https://osdu.domain_name/api/crs/catalog/v2/info"
CRS-Conversion: "https://osdu.domain_name/api/crs/converter/v2/info"
Dataset:        "https://osdu.domain_name/api/dataset/v1/info"
Entitlements:   "https://osdu.domain_name/api/entitlements/v2/info"
File:           "https://osdu.domain_name/api/file/v2/info"
Indexer:        "https://osdu.domain_name/api/indexer/v2/info"
Legal:          "https://osdu.domain_name/api/legal/v1/info"
Notification:   "https://osdu.domain_name/api/notification/v1/info"
Partition:      "https://osdu.domain_name/api/partition/v1/info"
Register:       "https://osdu.domain_name/api/register/v1/info"
Schema:         "https://osdu.domain_name/api/schema-service/v1/info"
Search:         "https://osdu.domain_name/api/search/v2/info"
Seismic-Store:  "https://osdu.domain_name/api/seismic-store/v3/svcstatus"
Storage:        "https://osdu.domain_name/api/storage/v2/info"
Unit:           "https://osdu.domain_name/api/unit/v3/info"
Well-Delivery:  "https://osdu.domain_name/api/well-delivery/info"
Wellbore DDMS:  "https://osdu.domain_name/api/os-wellbore-ddms/ddms/v2/about"
Workflow:       "https://osdu.domain_name/api/workflow/v1/info"

OSDU infrastructure applications external links

Airflow is available via:    "https://airflow.domain_name"
MinIO is available via:     "https://minio.domain_name"
Keycloak is available via:  "https://keycloak.domain_name/admin"

OSDU infrastructure applications default logins

Passwords for infrastructure applications are configured in custom_values.yaml during deployment, but logins are pre-defined.

Service Username
Airflow admin
MinIO minio
Keycloak user
PostgresDB postgres

In case above logins no longer work refer to Bitnami for details.

Default Credentials

To start your work with the OSDU platform you have to obtain credentials to generate an authorization token. You may perform this action with a list of steps shared after Helm installation or following these instructions:

  • Open Keycloak UI in your browser and log in using password from values.yaml:

keycloak login

  • Change the realm from master to the newly provisioned one (osdu by default):

change realm

  • Go to the Clients section and open osdu-admin client properties:

client properties

  • Get client secret:

get secret

  • Now you can use client_id = osdu-admin and client_secret to get tokens from the Keycloak and work with the OSDU platform:
  curl -s "https://keycloak.domain_name/realms/osdu/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=osdu-admin' \
    --data-urlencode "client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>" \
    --data-urlencode 'scope=openid'

How to check the connection to infrastructure applications

Check connection to Airflow

Used Airflow chart deploys external PostgreSQL database. Currently, to expose Airflow istio ingress is used. To get ip use: kubectl -n istio-gateway get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}

To access Airflow through port-forwarding (when service type is ClusterIP) use:

SERVICE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].port}" services airflow)
kubectl port-forward --namespace <namespace> svc/airflow :${SERVICE_PORT}
curl<port from output>

To get Airflow admin user password run: kubectl get secrets airflow --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.data.airflow-password}" | base64 --decode

Check connection to Keycloak

Used Keycloak chart deploys external PostgreSQL database. Currently, to expose Keycloak istio ingress is used. To get ip use: kubectl -n istio-gateway get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}

To access Keycloak through port-forwarding (when service type is ClusterIP) use:

$ SERVICE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].port}" services keycloak)
$ kubectl port-forward --namespace <namespace> svc/keycloak :${SERVICE_PORT}
curl<port from output>/admin

To get Keycloak admin user password run: kubectl get secrets keycloak --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode

Check connection to Minio

Currently, to expose Minio istio ingress is used. To get ip use: kubectl -n istio-gateway get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}

To access Minio through port-forwarding (when service type is ClusterIP) use:

kubectl port-forward --namespace <namespace> svc/minio :9001
curl<port from output>

To get Minio admin user password run: kubectl get secrets minio --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.data.root-user}" | base64 --decode kubectl get secrets minio --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.data.root-password}" | base64 --decode

Check connection to PostgreSQL

Extract the password of the Database and save it as an environmental variable if you didn't provide any value to the variable.

  • export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets postgresql-db --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 -d)

Check connection to PostgreSQL from test pod.

  • kubectl run postgresql-test-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --namespace default --image --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" --command -- psql --host postgresql-db -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432

Get connection info.

  • postgres=# \conninfo

Example of output message after the previous command if you use default variables. You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "postgresql-db" at port "5432".

Check connection to Elasticsearch
  • As an example, it will be used elasticsearch-master Elasticsearch node which will be created after installing Helm chart
  • Take certificates from secret for checking the connection to the Elasticsearch node:
    • kubectl get secret --namespace <namespace> elasticsearch-master-crt -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 --decode > ca.crt
    • kubectl get secret --namespace <namespace> elasticsearch-master-crt -o jsonpath="{.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 --decode > tls.crt
    • kubectl get secret --namespace <namespace> elasticsearch-master-crt -o jsonpath="{.data.tls\.key}" | base64 --decode > tls.key
  • To get Elasticsearch password run:
    • kubectl get secrets elasticsearch --namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath="{.data.elasticsearch-password}" | base64 --decode
  • Connect to the Elasticsearch node:
    • kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/elasticsearch 9200:9200 & curl -vk --key ./tls.key --cert ./tls.crt -u elastic:<elasticsearch-password>

OSDU Quick Start Guides

Once you have verified your OSDU deployment, you can use these guides to add users and learn the basics of the core OSDU API's

Uninstall OSDU Baremetal helm chart

To uninstall OSDU Baremetal helm chart use commands:

helm uninstall osdu-baremetal

Delete secrets and pvc:

kubectl delete secret --all; kubectl delete pvc --all

Install logging and monitoring helm chart

Helm chart with logging and monitoring tools could be installed as described here.

Install with custom service account with admin cluster role

  • You have to create custom service account, bind admin clusterrole and custom role or only with custom role
admin+custom cluster roles example
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-deploy-sa
  namespace: default

kind: ClusterRole
  name: admin-deploy-role
  - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - "events"
      - "create"
  - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - "authorizationpolicies"
      - "peerauthentications"
      - "requestauthentications"
      - "create"
      - "deletecollection"
      - "delete"
      - "get"
      - "list"
      - "update"
      - "watch"
  - apiGroups:
    - ""
      - "gateways"
      - "virtualservices"
      - "create"
      - "deletecollection"
      - "delete"
      - "get"
      - "list"
      - "update"
      - "watch"

kind: RoleBinding
  name: admin-deploy-rolebinding
  namespace: default
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-deploy-sa
  apiGroup: ""
  namespace: default
  kind: ClusterRole #this must be Role or ClusterRole
  name: admin
  apiGroup: ""

kind: RoleBinding
  name: admin-deploy-custom-rolebinding
  namespace: default
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-deploy-sa
  apiGroup: ""
  namespace: default
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: admin-deploy-role
  apiGroup: ""
custom cluster role example
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-deploy-sa
  namespace: default

kind: ClusterRole
  name: admin-deploy-role
  - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - "events"
      - "configmaps"
      - "deployments"
      - "persistentvolumeclaims"
      - "pods"
      - "secrets"
      - "serviceaccounts"
      - "services"
      - "create"
      - "delete"
      - "get"
      - "list"
      - "patch"
      - "update"
      - "watch"

  - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - "pods/exec"
      - "create"
      - "get"

  - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - "endpoints"
      - "pods/log"
      - "get"

  - apiGroups:
      - "apps"
      - "deployments"
      - "statefulsets"
      - "create"
      - "delete"
      - "get"
      - "list"
      - "update"
      - "watch"

  - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - "authorizationpolicies"
      - "peerauthentications"
      - "requestauthentications"
      - "create"
      - "deletecollection"
      - "delete"
      - "get"
      - "list"
      - "update"
      - "watch"

  - apiGroups:
    - ""
      - "gateways"
      - "virtualservices"
      - "create"
      - "deletecollection"
      - "delete"
      - "get"
      - "list"
      - "update"
      - "watch"

  - apiGroups:
    - ""
      - "roles"
      - "rolebindings"
      - "create"
      - "delete"
      - "get"
      - "list"
      - "update"

kind: RoleBinding
  name: admin-deploy-custom-rolebinding
  namespace: default
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-deploy-sa
  apiGroup: ""
  namespace: default
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: admin-deploy-role
  apiGroup: ""
  • Create service account config.
echo "
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
  - name: test-admin-sa
      certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUS...
  - name: admin-deploy-sa@test-admin-sa
      cluster: test-admin-sa
      namespace: default
      user: admin-deploy-sa
  - name: admin-deploy-sa
      token: eyJhbGciOiJSU....
current-context: admin-deploy-sa@test-admin-sa"  > kubeconfig
  • Install with custom kubeconfig.
helm install osdu-baremetal . --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig

Known Issues

Documentation regarding known issues is available in a separate document

  1. You can find more information about labeling here (Istio) or here (Anthos Service Mesh) 2

  2. Hardware requirements were specified during a test installation

  3. It is possible to use other versions, but it hasn't been tested 2 3

  4. If you do not have a domain name you can use "<loadBalancerIP>" as your domain name. LoadBalancerIP could be found with the command: kubectl -n istio-gateway get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}. You can find more information about using as a domain here 2 3

  5. Use the same user, password and database as Airflow PostgreSQL. 2 3

  6. RabbitMQ Erlang cookie to determine whether different nodes are allowed to communicate with each other. It is not required for installation (will be generated a random 32 character long alphanumeric string), but needed for upgrading. If no value was set, you can use the following command to obtain Erlang cookie: kubectl get secret osdu-gc-baremetal-rabbitmq -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-erlang-cookie}" | base64 --decode