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  • # Ingestion DAGs
    ## Contents
    * [Introduction](#introduction)
    * [Deployment](#deployment)
    * * [GCP Composer](#gcp-composer)
    * * [Installing Python Dependencies](#installing-python-dependencies)
    * [DAG Implementation Details](#dag-implementation-details)
    * [Required Variables](#required-variables)
    * * [Internal Services](#internal-services)
    * * [Configuration](#configuration)
    * * [Ingestion](#ingestion)
    * * [OSDU Python SDK](#osdu-python-sdk)
    * [Testing](#testing)
    * * [Running E2E Tests](#running-e2e-tests)
    * [Logging](#logging)
    * * [Logging Configuration](#logging-configuration)
    * * [Remote Logger](#remote-logger)
    * [DAGs Description](#dags-description)
    * * [Osdu_ingest](#osdu_ingest)
    * * [Osdu_ingest R2](#osdu_ingest-r2)
    * [Operators Description](#operators-description)
    * * [Workflow Status Operator](#workflow-status-operator)
    * * [Validate Manifest Schema Operator](#validate-manifest-schema-operator)
    * * [Ensure Manifest Integrity Operator](#ensure-manifest-integrity-operator)
    * * [Process Manifest Operator](#process-manifest-operator)
    * [Backward compatibility](#backward-compatibility)
    * [Licence](#licence)
    The project is a set of Apache Airflow DAGs implementations to orchestrate data ingestion within OSDU platform.
    The following DAGs are implemented:
    * Osdu_ingest - R3 Manifest Ingestion DAG
    * Osdu_ingest_r2 - R2 Manifest Ingestion DAG (deprecated)
    ## Deployment
    ### GCP Composer
    GCP provides Cloud Composer a fully managed workflow orchestration service built on Apache Airflow.
    To deploy the Ingestion DAGs on GCP Cloud Composer just upload files from */src* folder into *DAGS_FOLDER* and *PLUGINS_FOLDER* accordingly into the DAG bucket that provided by Composer environment. [More info in documentation.](
    *DAGS_FOLDER* and *PLUGINS_FOLDER* are setting up by Composer itself.
    According to the [DAG implementation details](#dag-implementation-details) need to put [osdu_api] directory into the *DAGS_FOLDER*. Moreover, all required variables have to be set in Airflow meta store by Variables mechanism. [List of the required variables](#required-variables).
    Kishore Battula's avatar
    Kishore Battula committed
    ### Azure
    To deploy the Ingestion DAGs to airflow, follow below steps.
    - Identify the file share to which DAGs need to be copied. [This]( is the file share where DAGs for airflow reside.
    - Copy contents of */src/dags* to *airflowdags/dags* folder
    - Copy contents of */src/plugins/hooks* to *airflowdags/plugins/hooks*
    - Copy contents of */src/plugins/operators* to *airflowdags/plugins/operators*
    #### Installing Python Dependencies
    Environment dependencies might be installed by several ways:
    1. Install packages via `pip` on the environment where Airflow runs.
    2. Although it is **not recommended**, it is possible to install Python libraries locally. Put your dependencies into *DAG_FOLDER/libs* directory. Airflow automatically adds *DAG_FOLDER* and *PLUGINS_FOLDER* to the *PATH*.
    Kishore Battula's avatar
    Kishore Battula committed
    Python dependencies can be specified as extra pip packages in airflow deployment [here](
    The DAGs require [Python SDK]( to be installed.
    It can be installed to the environment via `pip`:
    pip install osdu-api --extra-index-url
    Also, the DAGs require [osdu-airflow-lib]( package to be installed for common code (operators, osdu-airflow utils etc.).
    pip install 'osdu-airflow' --extra-index-url=
    Kishore Battula's avatar
    Kishore Battula committed
    #### Environment Variables & Airflow Variables
    Add variables manually in the Airflow UI or through airflow helm charts. [List of the required variables](#required-variables).
    Adding variables to helm charts can be found [here](
    More details about airflow variables can be found [here](
    ## DAG Implementation Details
    OSDU DAGs are cloud platform-agnostic by design. However, there are specific implementation requirements by cloud
    platforms, and the OSDU R2 Prototype provides a dedicated Python SDK to make sure that DAGs are independent from the
    cloud platforms. This Python SDK must be installed from the corresponding [repository](
    ## Required Variables
    Some variables are defined using Airflow Variables.
    Variable should has prefix which define where variable are used:
    - **core__** - use in common part of DAGs;
    - **gcp__**, **azure__**, **ibm__**, **aws__** - use in cloud-specific modules of DAGs;
    - **sdk__** - pass to Python SDK.
    If variable defines URL to internal services it should have suffix which show the completeness of the URL:
    - **__url** - the variable should contain full path to service API endpoint;
    - **__host** - the variable should contain just service host value. The full path to service API endpoint constructed inside operators.
    |Variable |Value Description|
    | core__service__storage__url  | Storage Service API endpoint to save records |
    | core__service__search__url |  Search Service API endpoint to search queries |
    | core__service__workflow__host | Workflow Service host |
    | core__service__workflow__url | (Deprecated) Workflow Service API endpoint to update status |
    | core__service__file__host | File Service host |
    | core__service__schema__url | Schema Service API endpoint to get schema by Id |
    ### Configuration
    |Variable |Value Description|
    | core__config__dataload_config_path| Path to dataload.ini file. Used in R2 manifest ingestion|
    ### Ingestion
    |Variable |Value Description|
    | core__ingestion__batch_save_enabled | If this value is set to `true`, then save the Manifest's entities in Storage Service by batches|
    | core__ingestion__batch_save_size | Size of the batch of entities to save in Storage Service|
    ### Running E2E Tests
    chmod +x tests/ && tests/./
    ## Logging
    ### Logging Configuration
    As Airflow initializes the logging configuration at startup, it implies that all logger configuration settings will be kept in `airflow.cfg` file within your project or will be specified as environment variables according to the [Airflow specification](
    Look Airflow logging properties in the [documentation](
    ### Remote Logger
    For GCP Composer `google_cloud_default` connection is used by default to store all logs into GCS bucket.
    Look Airflow [documentation]( documentation for AWS, Azure.
    ## DAGs Description
    ### Osdu_ingest
    R3 manifest processing with providing integrity.
    The DAG can process batch of manifests or single manifest. The logic to manage of direction is implemented inside the DAG by `check_payload_type` task.
    ### Osdu_ingest R2
    **Note:** The DAG is deprecated.
    ## Operators Description
    ### Workflow Status Operator
    The Workflow Status Operator is an Airflow operator callable from each DAG. It's purpose is to receive the latest status
    of a workflow job and then update the workflow record in the database. Each DAG in the system has to invoke the Workflow
    Status Operator to update the workflow status.
    This operator isn't designed to directly update the status in the database, and it queries the OSDU Workflow
    service's API endpoint. Once the operator sends a request to update status, it cedes control back to the DAG.
    ### Validate Manifest Schema Operator
    The Workflow Status Operator is an Airflow operator to process manifest against the schemas definitions from Schema Service.
    The operator's logic is split by two steps:
    1. Common schema validation (without references check)
    2. Ensure manifest schema integrity (all references are resolving and validates against its schemas)
    **Note:** All invalid values will be evicted from the manifest and logged.
    The operator output is a new manifest with only valid manifest data (stores in Airflow XCOM).
    {"manifest": <OUTPUT>}
    ### Ensure Manifest Integrity Operator
    Operator to validate ref inside manifest R3 and remove invalid entities.
    This operator is responsible for the parent - child validation.
    All orphan-like entity will be logged and excluded from the validated manifest .
    The operator output is a new manifest with only valid manifest data (stores in Airflow XCOM).
    {"manifest": <OUTPUT>}
    ### Process Manifest Operator
    Operator to process manifest (single manifest file or a list of them). The processing includes validation against schemas, storing records etc.
    The operator output is a set of ingested records ids (stores in Airflow XCOM).
    {"record_ids": [<SET_OF_INGESTED_RECORDS>]}
    [os-python-sdk]: ../os-python-sdk
    At the current moment, Ingestion DAGs can work with Airflow 2.x and >=1.10.10 with [osdu-airflow-lib]( package installed.
    To avoid incompatibilities a few code changes must be introduced.
    Use `osdu_airflow.backward_compatibility.airflow_utils:apply_default` instead of `airflow.utils.apply_default` in operators.
    from osdu_airflow.backward_compatibility.airflow_utils import apply_defaults
    class SomeOperator(BaseOperator):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Also, do not pass `provide_contex=True` to tasks directly. Use `libs.airflow.backward_compatibility.default_args:update_default_args` instead.
    from osdu_airflow.backward_compatibility.default_args import update_default_args
    default_args = {
        "start_date": airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(0),
        "retries": 0,
        "retry_delay": timedelta(seconds=30),
        "trigger_rule": "none_failed",
    default_args = update_default_args(default_args)
    ## Licence
    Copyright © Google LLC
    Copyright © EPAM Systems
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.