@@ -23,7 +35,71 @@ The Workflow Engine encompasses the following components:
* Stale Jobs Scheduler
* Workflow Finished Sensor Operator
## Opaque Ingestion DAG
## Deployment
### GCP Composer
GCP provides Cloud Composer a fully managed workflow orchestration service built on Apache Airflow.
To deploy the Ingestion DAGs on GCP Cloud Composer just upload files from */src* folder into *DAGS_FOLDER* and *PLUGINS_FOLDER* accordingly into the DAG bucket that provided by Composer environment. [More info in documentation.](https://cloud.google.com/composer/docs/quickstart#uploading_the_dag_to)
*DAGS_FOLDER* and *FLUGINS_FOLDER* are setting up in airflow.cfg file.
According to the [DAG implementation details](#dag-implementation-details) need to put [osdu_api] directory into the *DAGS_FOLDER*. Moreover, all required variables have to be set in Airflow meta store by Variables mechanism. [List of the required variables](#required-variables).
### Installing Python Dependencies
Environment dependencies might be installed by several ways:
1. Installing a Python dependency from PyPI. Cloud Composer picks up *requirements.txt* file from the DAGs bucket.
2. Setting up an environment into the Cloud Composer Console.
3. Installing local Python library. Put your dependencies into *DAG_FOLDER/libs* directory. Airflow automatically adds *DAG_FOLDER* and *PLUGINS_FOLDER* to the *PATH*.
## DAG Implementation Details
OSDU DAGs are cloud platform-agnostic by design. However, there are specific implementation requirements by cloud
platforms, and the OSDU R2 Prototype provides a dedicated Python SDK to make sure that DAGs are independent from the
cloud platforms. This Python SDK is located in a separate [os-python-sdk] folder.
## Required Variables
### Internal Services
Some of the operators send requests to internal services. Hosts and endpoints are sepcified into Airflow Variables.
|Variable |Value Description|
| storage_url | Storage Service URL |
| search_url | Search Service URL |
| update_status_ep | Endpoint to Workflow Service hook call|
### Configuration
|Variable |Value Description|
| dataload_config_path| Path to dataload.ini file|
### OSDU Python SDK
|Variable |Value Description|
| provider | Need to properly initialize OSDU SDK |
|entitlements_module_name | Need to properly initialize OSDU SDK |