[WhiteSource] Update dependencies
SLB has WhiteSource dependency scan enabled for SLB version of CSV Parser. As the code base is pretty similar we usually try to back-port these updates back to community version.
Dependency updates
[core pom]
- tomcat-util -> 9.0.71;
- tomcat-coyote ->9.0.78;
- tomcat-embed-core -> 9.0.78;
- commons-text -> 1.10.0;
- guava -> 32.0.1-jre;
[azure pom]
- spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure -> 2.7.13;
- guava -> 32.0.1-jre;
- tomcat-embed-core -> 9.0.78;
[root pom]
- json-smart -> 2.4.9;
- spring-web -> 5.3.28;
- springframework -> 5.3.28;
- spring-core -> 5.3.28;
- spring-beans -> 5.3.28;
- spring-context -> 5.3.28;
- jackson-databind ->;
- jackson-core -> 2.13.2;
- jackson-annotations -> 2.13.2;
- spring-boot-autoconfigure -> 2.7.13;
- gson -> 2.8.9;
Edited by Maksim Malkov