Publish to Service Bus
Describe your changes
Change details:
Adding SB for status publish
PR Checklist
I have added an explanation of what changes in this merge do and why we should include it? -
I have updated the documentation accordingly.
Pending items
Configuring shared throughputs at cosmos container level E2E testing
Reviewer request
- Please provide an ETA when you plan to review this MR. Write a comment to decline or provide an ETA.
- Block the MR if you feel there is less testing or no details in the MR
- Please cover the following aspects in the MR -- Coding design: <Reviewer1> -- Backward Compatibility: <Reviewer2> -- Feature Logic: <Logic design> -- <Any other context mention here> OR -- <Component 1>: <Reviewer1> -- <CosmosDB>: <Reviewer2> -- <ServiceBus> <Reviewer3> -- <Mention any other component and owner>
Other information
Edited by Komal Makkar