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Sergey Zemskov / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Chris Smith / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Komal Makkar / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Anand M S / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Piyush Kothari / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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Sacha Brants / infra-azure-provisioning
Apache License 2.0Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Reference and Helper Services / Schema Upgrade
Apache License 2.0[In Development] Schema (and Reference Value) Upgrade Service