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  • David Diederich's avatar
    David Diederich committed
    # dps-crs-converter integration tests
    ## Folder structure
    * crs_converter_test_core/  
      * ...
    * crs_converter_test_$PROVIDER_NAME/  
    This integration test uses a swagger generated Python client to test a 
    deployed crs-converter service. The source is located in this repository
    The python client code is automatically generated. The latest online version (May 2018)
    created incorrect impost statements for cyclic class references. Therefore the current
    code is generated using [swagger-codegen-cli-2.2.3.jar](
    The command to create the python code is:
    cd testing
    java -jar ~/swagger-codegen-cli-2.2.3.jar generate -i crs_converter_test_core/api_spec/crs_converter_openapi.json -l python -o crs_converter_test_core/v2
    cd testing
    java -jar %UserProfile%\repositories\azure\swagger-codegen-cli-2.2.3.jar generate -i crs_converter_test_core\api_spec\crs_converter_openapi.json -l python -o crs_converter_test_core\v2
    ## Sanity Test: ``````
    This test is intended as a simple sanity test. It is quick but doesn't challenge the conversion engine thoroughly
    The following parameters are expected as environment variables:
    ## GCP auth provider (crs_converter_test_gcp/
    | Variable | Contents |
    | INTEGRATION_TESTER | go to the google IAM & admin console, navigate to Service accounts to create a key and download the account info file. |
    ## Tests core (crs_converter_test_core/
    | Variable | Contents |
    | BASE_URL | e.g. `/api/crs/converter/v2`  |
    | MY_TENANT | e.g. opendes |
    | DATA_DIR | e.g. ```E:\tmp\CloudTestData``` |
    | DATA_PATTERN | Test*.0*.json |
    | REPORT_PATH | e.g.  ```E:\tmp\CloudTestData\Report\SuiteReport.txt``` |
    ## Building/running ``````
    Go to the provider folder:
    cd crs_converter_test_$PROVIDER_NAME/
    To set up a virtual environment:
    virtualenv venv
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    To activate on Windows:
    To run:
    Sumra Zafar's avatar
    Sumra Zafar committed
    ### Azure Tests
    For the python tests to run in Azure, the CI-CD pipeline copies the SIS_DATA folder to the shared storage for the pods to read. If you are setting up the environment manually and not using Azure CI-CD Pipeline, make sure to copy the folder 
    Sample code:
      find "$search_dir/" -type f -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file; do
            echo "File: $file"
        az storage file upload --account-name $accountName --account-key $accountKey --share-name $SHARE_NAME --source "$file" --path "$file"
    David Diederich's avatar
    David Diederich committed
    **Note:** To simulate a runtime exactly as that of the vsts build agent, you can simply exec into the docker image we use for the build agent, and run the tests from inside it. To know how to do this, please follow [this]( documentation.
    ## Suite Test: ``````
    This test requires pre-computed test data with expected values. This test - depending on how many data are sent through - will take a significant amount of time.
    ### Example format for the test data
      "CreateDate": "2017-08-07T15:02:51.8424946+00:00",
      "TestData": [
          "FromCrsPersistableReference": "%7B%22WKT%22%3A%22PROJCS%5B%5C%22DGN_1995_UTM_Zone_48N%5C%22%2CGEOGCS%5B%5C%22GCS_DGN_1995%5C%22%2CDATUM%5B%5C%22D_Datum_Geodesi_Nasional_1995%5C%22%2CSPHEROID%5B%5C%22WGS_1984%5C%22%2C6378137.0%2C298.257223563%5D%5D%2CPRIMEM%5B%5C%22Greenwich%5C%22%2C0.0%5D%2CUNIT%5B%5C%22Degree%5C%22%2C0.0174532925199433%5D%5D%2CPROJECTION%5B%5C%22Transverse_Mercator%5C%22%5D%2CPARAMETER%5B%5C%22False_Easting%5C%22%2C500000.0%5D%2CPARAMETER%5B%5C%22False_Northing%5C%22%2C0.0%5D%2CPARAMETER%5B%5C%22Central_Meridian%5C%22%2C105.0%5D%2CPARAMETER%5B%5C%22Scale_Factor%5C%22%2C0.9996%5D%2CPARAMETER%5B%5C%22Latitude_Of_Origin%5C%22%2C0.0%5D%2CUNIT%5B%5C%22Meter%5C%22%2C1.0%5D%2CAUTHORITY%5B%5C%22EPSG%5C%22%2C23868%5D%5D%22%2C%22Type%22%3A%22LBCRS%22%2C%22EngineVersion%22%3A%22PE_10_3_1%22%2C%22Name%22%3A%22DGN_1995_UTM_Zone_48N%22%2C%22AuthorityCode%22%3A%7B%22Authority%22%3A%22EPSG%22%2C%22Code%22%3A%2223868%22%7D%7D",
          "ToCrsPersistableReference": "%7B%22WKT%22%3A%22GEOGCS%5B%5C%22GCS_DGN_1995%5C%22%2CDATUM%5B%5C%22D_Datum_Geodesi_Nasional_1995%5C%22%2CSPHEROID%5B%5C%22WGS_1984%5C%22%2C6378137.0%2C298.257223563%5D%5D%2CPRIMEM%5B%5C%22Greenwich%5C%22%2C0.0%5D%2CUNIT%5B%5C%22Degree%5C%22%2C0.0174532925199433%5D%2CAUTHORITY%5B%5C%22EPSG%5C%22%2C4755%5D%5D%22%2C%22Type%22%3A%22LBCRS%22%2C%22EngineVersion%22%3A%22PE_10_3_1%22%2C%22Name%22%3A%22GCS_DGN_1995%22%2C%22AuthorityCode%22%3A%7B%22Authority%22%3A%22EPSG%22%2C%22Code%22%3A%224755%22%7D%7D",
          "FromInfo": "DGN_1995_UTM_Zone_48N [m]",
          "ToInfo": "GCS_DGN_1995 [dega]",
          "Info": "Late-bound CRS Conversions",
          "FromToPoints": [
              "FromPoint": {
                "X": 166021.4430837048,
                "Y": 0.0,
                "Z": 0.0
              "ToPoint": {
                "X": 102.0,
                "Y": 0.0,
                "Z": 0.0
              "FromPoint": {
                "X": 833978.5569162938,
                "Y": 0.0,
                "Z": 0.0
              "ToPoint": {
                "X": 108.0,
                "Y": 0.0,
                "Z": 0.0
              "FromPoint": {
                "X": 168456.68464518717,
                "Y": 768165.58302924014,
                "Z": 0.0
              "ToPoint": {
                "X": 102.0,
                "Y": 6.94,
                "Z": 0.0
              "FromPoint": {
                "X": 831543.31535481149,
                "Y": 768165.58302924014,
                "Z": 0.0
              "ToPoint": {
                "X": 108.0,
                "Y": 6.94,
                "Z": 0.0
              "FromPoint": {
                "X": 500000.0,
                "Y": 383543.96537060448,
                "Z": 0.0
              "ToPoint": {
                "X": 105.0,
                "Y": 3.47,
                "Z": 0.0
    ## Building/running ``````
    To set up a virtual environment:
    virtualenv venv
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    To activate on Windows:
    To run: