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The Partition Service dynamically pulls the correct connection information at runtime to connect to the correct partition. It is a Maven multi-module project with each cloud implemention placed in its submodule.

Running Locally - AWS

Running Locally - GCP

Running Locally - IBM

Running Locally - Azure


In order to run this service locally, you will need the following:

  • Maven 3.6.0+
  • Infrastructure dependencies, deployable through the relevant os-k8s
  • While not a strict dependency, example commands in this document use bash

General Tips

Environment Variable Management The following tools make environment variable configuration simpler

Lombok This project uses Lombok for code generation. You may need to configure your IDE to take advantage of this tool.

Environment Variables

In order to run the service locally, you will need to have the following environment variables defined.

Note The following command can be useful to pull secrets from keyvault:

az keyvault secret show --vault-name $KEY_VAULT_NAME --name $KEY_VAULT_SECRET_NAME --query value -otsv

Required to run service

name value description sensitive? source
client-id ******** AAD client application ID yes output of infrastructure deployment
KEYVAULT_URI (non-secret) KeyVault URI no variable AZURE_KEYVAULT_URI from GitLab variable group Azure Target Env - {{env}}
AZURE_CLIENT_ID ******** Identity to run the service locally. This enables access to Azure resources. You only need this if running locally yes keyvault secret: $KEYVAULT_URI/secrets/app-dev-sp-username
AZURE_TENANT_ID ******** AD tenant to authenticate users from yes keyvault secret: $KEYVAULT_URI/secrets/app-dev-sp-tenant-id
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET ******** Secret for $AZURE_CLIENT_ID yes keyvault secret: $KEYVAULT_URI/secrets/app-dev-sp-password

Configure Maven

Check that maven is installed:

$ mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.6.0
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_212, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk8u212-b04/jre

You will need to configure access to the remote maven repository that holds the OSDU dependencies. This file should live within ~/.m2/settings.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""

Build and run the application

After configuring your environment as specified above, you can follow these steps to build and run the application. These steps should be invoked from the repository root.

# build + test + install core service code
$ mvn clean install

# build + test + package azure service code
$ mvn clean package -P partition-aks

# run service
# Note: this assumes that the environment variables for running the service as outlined
#       above are already exported in your environment.
$ cd provider/partition-azure && mvn spring-boot:run -f pom.xml

Test the application

After the service has started it should be accessible via a web browser by visiting http://localhost:8080/api/partition/v1/swagger-ui.html. If the request does not fail, you can then run the integration tests.

# build + install integration test core
$ (cd testing/storage-test-core/ && mvn clean install)

# build + run Azure integration tests.
# Note: this assumes that the environment variables for integration tests as outlined
#       above are already exported in your environment.
$ (cd testing/storage-test-azure/ && mvn clean test)

Send a Get request to partition:


Headers for Postman:

Key Value
Authorization Bearer <token>


Jet Brains - the authors of Intellij IDEA, have written an excellent guide on how to debug java programs.

Build and run the Docker container locally

  1. Run the maven run command to have the .jar file generated.
  2. Have the Azure subscription set up
  3. Open a Powershell
  4. Install the Azure CLI locally
  5. Authenticate yourself to Azure Container Registry (acr) with the following command: az acr login --name delfi
  6. Execute the following command to build the container image: docker build -t partition .
  7. Execute the following command to build the container image: docker run -t --rm -p 8080:8080 partition
  8. Use Postman or curl to try out the endpoints


Copyright 2017-2020, Schlumberger

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.