The Partition Service dynamically pulls the correct connection information at runtime to connect to the correct partition. It is a Maven multi-module project with each cloud implementation placed in its submodule.
The Partition service is a utility service to create, get and delete partitions in the cloud. It is a Maven multi-module project with each cloud implementation placed in its submodule.
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ az keyvault secret show --vault-name $KEY_VAULT_NAME --name $KEY_VAULT_SECRET_NA
| `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` | `********` | Identity to run the service locally. This enables access to Azure resources. You only need this if running locally | yes | keyvault secret: `$KEYVAULT_URI/secrets/app-dev-sp-username` |
| `AZURE_TENANT_ID` | `********` | AD tenant to authenticate users from | yes | keyvault secret: `$KEYVAULT_URI/secrets/app-dev-sp-tenant-id` |