@@ -110,16 +109,12 @@ First you need to set variables in **values.yaml** file using any code editor. S
| Name | Description | Type | Default |Required |
**data.logLevel** | logging severity level for this service only | string | - | yes, only if differs from the `global.logLevel`
**data.projectId** | your Google Cloud project id | string | - | only in case of Google Cloud installation
**data.projectId** | your Google Cloud project id | string | - | yes
**data.dataProjectId** | in case of multiproject cloud installation (services and data stored in different project) the name of data project | string | - | only in case of multiproject installation
**data.bucketPrefix** | minio bucket name prefix | string | `refi` | only in case of Reference installation when _onPremEnabled_ is set to `true`
**data.minioExternalEndpoint** | api url for external minio, if external minio is configured - this value will be set for MINIO_ENDPOINT and MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT in bootstrap configmap | string | - | no
**data.minioIgnoreCertCheck** | whether minio should ignore TLS certs validity check, set to true if external minio is protected by self-signed certificates | string | `false` | no