To observe the history of the current release, use the following command:
To observe the history of the current release, use the following command:
helm history[RELEASE]
helm history[RELEASE_NAME] -n[NAMESPACE]
To revert to a previous release, use the following command:
To revert to a previous release, use the following command:
helm rollback [RELEASE] [REVISION]
### Customizing the Deployment
### Customizing the Deployment
It is possible to modify the default values specified in the **values.yaml** file using the --set option. The below variables can be modified by advanced users to customize the deployment configuration:
It is possible to modify the default values specified in the **values.yaml** file using the --set option. The below parameters can be modified by advanced users to customize the deployment configuration:
| Name | Example Value | Description | Type |
| Name | Example Value | Description | Type | Required |
| `replicaCount` | `1` | The number of pod replicas to be deployed | int |
| `global.accountID` | `000123456789` | The AWS account ID. | int | yes |
| `autoscaling.enabled` | `true` | Enables the pod autoscaler | Bool |
| `global.region` | `us-east-1` | The AWS region containing the OSDU deployment. | str | yes |
| `autoscaling.minReplicas` | `1` | Minimum number of pod replicas | int |
| `global.resourcePrefix` | `osdu` | The resource prefix of the OSDU deployment. | str | yes |
| `autoscaling.maxReplicas` | `100` | Maximum number of pod replicas | int |
| `global.allowOrigins` | `{http://localhost,}` | A list of domains that are permitted by CORS policy. An empty list permits all origins. | array[str] | no |
| `autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage` | `80` | CPU utilization target | int |
| `podAnnotations` | `podAnnotations.version=v1.0.0` | Additional annotations on the service pod | dict | no |
| `imagePullPolicy` | `IfNotPresent` | The service image pull policy | str | no |
| `replicaCount` | `1` | The number of pod replicas to be deployed | int | no |
| `autoscaling.minReplicas` | `1` | Minimum number of pod replicas | int | no |
| `autoscaling.maxReplicas` | `100` | Maximum number of pod replicas | int | no |
| `autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage` | `80` | CPU utilization target | int | no |