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Service Configuration for Anthos

Table of Contents

Environment variables

Common properties for all environments

name value description sensitive? source
APP_ENTITLEMENTS ex Entitlements API endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
APP_REGISTER ex Storage API endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
APP_PROJECT ex opendes Google Cloud Project Id no output of infrastructure deployment
PARTITION_API ex http://localhost:8081/api/partition/v1 Partition service endpoint no -
SERVICE_TOKEN_PROVIDER ex GCP or OPENID Service token provider no -

System Environment required to run service

name value description sensitive? source
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE anthos spring active profile no

For Mappers to activate drivers

name value description
OQMDRIVER pubsub to activate OQM driver for Google PubSub
OQMDRIVER rabbitmq to activate OQM driver for Rabbit MQ

Requirements for requests

Record identifiers cannot contain a space character. At the same time, they may contain a % character, which, when combined with subsequent numeric characters, may cause the application to misinterpret that combination. For example, the "%20" combination will be interpreted as a space " " character. To correctly transfer such an identifier, you should additionally perform the url-encode operation on it. This functionality can be built into the front-end application, or you can use an online url-encoder tool ( eg.: Thus, having ID "osdu: work-product-component--WellboreMarkerSet:3D%20Kirchhoff%20DepthMigration" (with %20 combination) you should url-encode it and request "osdu%3Awork-product-component--WellboreMarkerSet%3A3D%2520Kirchhoff%2520DepthMigration" instead.

Configuring mappers Datasources

When using non-Google-Cloud-native technologies, property sets must be defined on the Partition service as part of PartitionInfo for each Tenant.

For OQM RabbitMQ

prefix: oqm.rabbitmq It can be overridden by:

  • through the Spring Boot property oqm.rabbitmq.partition-properties-prefix

Propertyset (for two types of connection: messaging and admin operations):

Property Description messaging hostnameorIP
oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.port - port
oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.path - path
oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.username - username
oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.password - password
oqm.rabbitmq.admin.schema admin host schema - host name
oqm.rabbitmq.admin.port - port
oqm.rabbitmq.admin.path - path
oqm.rabbitmq.admin.username - username
oqm.rabbitmq.admin.password - password
Example of a single tenant definition

curl -L -X PATCH '' -H 'data-partition-id: opendes' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
  "properties": {
    "": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "localhost"
    "oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.port": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "5672"
    "oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.path": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": ""
    "oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.username": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "guest"
    "oqm.rabbitmq.amqp.password": {
      "sensitive": true,
      "value": "guest"

     "oqm.rabbitmq.admin.schema": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "http"
     "": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "localhost"
    "oqm.rabbitmq.admin.port": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "9002"
    "oqm.rabbitmq.admin.path": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "/api"
    "oqm.rabbitmq.admin.username": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "guest"
    "oqm.rabbitmq.admin.password": {
      "sensitive": true,
      "value": "guest"

Exchanges and queues configuration

At RabbitMq should be created exchange with name:

name: register-subscriber-control

It can be overridden by:

  • through the Spring Boot property oqm-register-subscriber-control-topic-name


Interaction with message brokers

Specifics of work through PULL subscription

To receive messages from brokers, this solution uses the PULL-subscriber mechanism to get 'record_changed' messages. This is its cardinal difference from other implementations that use PUSH-subscribers (webhooks). This opens a wide choice when choosing brokers.

When using PULL-subscribers, there is a need to restore Storage service subscribers at the start of Storage service. This magic happens in the class from core-lib-gcp in the @PostConstruct method.

Keycloak configuration

Keycloak service accounts setup

Configure Clients. One Client per OSDU service. Set them “confidential”.


Each Client has embedded Service Account (SA) option. Enable SAs for Clients, make “Authorization enabled”:


Add partition-and-entitlements scope to Default Client Scopes and generate Keys.

Give client-id and client-secret to services, which should be authorized within the platform.