#### The following updates need to be made when code is merged from OSDU:
1. Please update the repo names in `devops/azure/pipeline.yml` file:
- repository: FluxRepo
type: git
name: r3-gitops-manifests
- repository: TemplateRepo
type: git
name: r3-infra-azure-provisioning
- repository: security-templates
type: git
name: osdu-delfi/security-infrastructure
2. Update the variable groups in the `devops/azure/pipeline.yml` file:
- group: 'R3MVP - Azure - OSDU'
- group: 'R3MVP - Azure - OSDU Secrets'
3. Update the env. names in the `devops/azure/pipeline.yml` file:
- name: Azure
environments: ['dev']
4. Disable AAD filer and use externalized Auth form Istio: remove following two settings if they are present from 'devops/azure/chart/templates/deployment.yaml'