| `LOCAL_MODE` | `true` | yes | Set to 'true' to use env vars in place of the k8s variable resolver | no |
| `APPLICATION_PORT` | `8080` | yes | The port the service will be hosted on. | no |
| `AWS_REGION` | `us-east-1` | yes | The region where resources needed by the service are deployed | no |
| `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` | `ASIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` | yes | The AWS Access Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
| `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` | `super-secret-key==` | yes | The AWS Secret Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
| `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` | `session-token-xxxxxxxxxx` | no | AWS Session token needed if using an SSO user session to authenticate | yes |
| `ENVIRONMENT` | `osdu-prefix` | yes | The Resource Prefix defined during deployment | no |
| `LOG_LEVEL` | `DEBUG` | yes | The Log Level severity to use (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/log4j/log4j_logging_levels.htm) | no |
| `SSM_ENABLED` | `true` | yes | Set to 'true' to use SSM to resolve config properties, otherwise use env vars | no |
| `SSL_ENABLED` | `false` | no | Set to 'false' to disable SSL for local development | no |
| `ENTITLEMENTS_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8081` or `https://some-hosted-url` | yes | Specify the base url for an entitlements service instance. Can be run locally or remote | no |
| `PARTITION_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://some-hosted-url` | yes | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote | no |
| `STORAGE_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://some-hosted-url` | yes | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote | no |
| `SCHEMA_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://some-hosted-url` | yes | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote | no |
| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE` | 20 | no | Batch size for storage API `POST {endpoint}/query/records:batch` | no |
| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BY_KIND_BATCH_SIZE` | - | no | Batch size for storage API `GET {endpoint}/query/records`. If this is not present, defaults to value of `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE` | no |
| `STORAGE_SQS_URL` | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-storage-queue` | yes | Can be found inside SSM, under `sqs/storage-queue/url` suffix | yes |
| `INDEXER_DEADLETTER_QUEUE_SQS_URL` | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-indexer-deadletter-queue` | yes | Can be found inside SSM, under `indexer-queue/indexer-deadletter-queue/url` suffix | yes |
| `INDEXER_SNS_TOPIC_ARN` | `arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:osdu-tenant-group-indexer-messages` | yes | Can be found in SSM under `core/indexer/sns/arn` suffix | yes |
### Run Locally
In order to run the service locally, you will need to have the following environment variables defined.
To run the service remotely, please refer to the Helm Charts defined in the `indexer.tf` file of the `aws-terraform-deployment` repository.
| name | example value | required | description | sensitive? |
| `LOCAL_MODE` | `true` | yes | Set to 'true' to use env vars in place of the k8s variable resolver | no |
| `APPLICATION_PORT` | `8080` | yes | The port the service will be hosted on. | no |
| `AWS_REGION` | `us-east-1` | yes | The region where resources needed by the service are deployed | no |
| `LOG_LEVEL` | `DEBUG` | yes | The Log Level severity to use (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/log4j/log4j_logging_levels.htm) | no |
| `SSM_ENABLED` | `true` | yes | Set to 'true' to use SSM to resolve config properties, otherwise use env vars | no |
| `SSL_ENABLED` | `false` | yes | Set to 'false' to disable SSL for local development | no |
| `DISABLE_USER_AGENT` | `false` | yes | | |
| `OSDU_VERSION` | `0.0.0` | yes | | |
| `ENTITLEMENTS_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8081` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com` | yes | Specify the base url for an entitlements service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain. | no |
| `PARTITION_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com` | yes | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain. | no |
| `STORAGE_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com` | yes | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain. | no |
| `SCHEMA_BASE_URL` | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com` | yes | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain. | no |
| `CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_ID` | `<CLIENT_ID>` | yes | Usually found inside SSM under `client-credentials/id` suffix. | |
| `CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_SECRET` | `'{"client_credentials_client_secret": "<SECRET>"}'` | yes | Usually found inside Secret Manager under the `client-credentials-secret` suffix. Include the full JSON dict, not just the value | |
| `OAUTH_TOKEN_URI` | `https://osdu-1234567890.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token` | yes | Usually found inside SSM under `oauth/token-uri` suffix | |
| `OAUTH_CUSTOM_SCOPE` | `osduOnAws/osduOnAWSService` | yes | Usually found inside SSM under `oauth/custom-scope` suffix | |
| `STORAGE_SQS_URL` | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-storage-queue` | yes | Can be found inside SSM, under `sqs/storage-queue/url` suffix | yes |
| `INDEXER_DEADLETTER_QUEUE_SQS_URL` | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-indexer-deadletter-queue` | yes | Can be found inside SSM, under `indexer-queue/indexer-deadletter-queue/url` suffix | yes |
| `INDEXER_SNS_TOPIC_ARN` | `arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:osdu-tenant-group-indexer-messages` | yes | Can be found in SSM under `core/indexer/sns/arn` suffix | yes |
| `ELASTICSEARCH_HOST` | `localhost` | yes | See note below this table. | |
| `ELASTICSEARCH_PORT` | `9200` | yes | See note below this table. | |
| `ELASTICSEARCH_CREDENTIALS` | `{"username":"<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>"}` | yes | If using ES instance deployed in cluster, can be usually found in Secret Manager under `elasticsearch/credentials` suffix. | |
| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE` | 20 | no | Batch size for storage API `POST {endpoint}/query/records:batch` | no |
| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BY_KIND_BATCH_SIZE` | - | no | Batch size for storage API `GET {endpoint}/query/records`. If this is not present, defaults to value of `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE` | no |
For ElasticSearch, if you already have an OSDU environment deployed, you can use your existing ES instance by using port forwarding:
| `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` | `ASIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` | The AWS Access Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
| `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` | `super-secret-key==` | The AWS Secret Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
| `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` | `session-token-xxxxxxxxx` | AWS Session token needed if using an SSO user session to authenticate | yes |
@@ -145,7 +158,7 @@ You should see in the logs that pop up what url and port it runs on. By default
| `HOST` | `http://localhost:8080` | Base url for deployment | no |
| `ELASTIC_HOST` | `localhost` | Url for elasticsearch | no |
| `ELASTIC_PORT` | `9300` | Port for elasticsearch | no |
| `ELASTICSEARCH_CREDENTIALS` | `{"username":"<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>"}` | Login/passzord for user to access elasticsearch | yes |
| `ELASTICSEARCH_CREDENTIALS` | `{"username":"<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>"}` | Login/password for user to access elasticsearch | yes |
| `CUCUMBER_OPTIONS` | `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` OR `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` | By default `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` to enable experimental feature testing | no |