diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/README.md b/provider/indexer-aws/README.md
index 78ea8fdb1a7f5a7fee02a97536dea8b2d19a6762..dc7009f4453d85f7ae91303fa823ed86e2d7fd6c 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/README.md
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/README.md
@@ -13,31 +13,44 @@ Pre-requisites
 * Lombok 1.16 or later
 * OSDU Instance deployed on AWS
-### Service Configuration
-In order to run the service locally or remotely, you will need to have the following environment variables defined.
-| name                                 | example value                                                                  | required | description                                                                                                                          | sensitive? |
-| `LOCAL_MODE`                         | `true`                                                                         | yes      | Set to 'true' to use env vars in place of the k8s variable resolver                                                                  | no         |
-| `APPLICATION_PORT`                   | `8080`                                                                         | yes      | The port the service will be hosted on.                                                                                              | no         |
-| `AWS_REGION`                         | `us-east-1`                                                                    | yes      | The region where resources needed by the service are deployed                                                                        | no         |
-| `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                  | `ASIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`                                                           | yes      | The AWS Access Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service                                               | yes        |
-| `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`              | `super-secret-key==`                                                           | yes      | The AWS Secret Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service                                               | yes        |
-| `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`                  | `session-token-xxxxxxxxxx`                                                     | no       | AWS Session token needed if using an SSO user session to authenticate                                                                | yes        |
-| `ENVIRONMENT`                        | `osdu-prefix`                                                                  | yes      | The Resource Prefix defined during deployment                                                                                        | no         |
-| `LOG_LEVEL`                          | `DEBUG`                                                                        | yes      | The Log Level severity to use (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/log4j/log4j_logging_levels.htm)                                        | no         |
-| `SSM_ENABLED`                        | `true`                                                                         | yes      | Set to 'true' to use SSM to resolve config properties, otherwise use env vars                                                        | no         |
-| `SSL_ENABLED`                        | `false`                                                                        | no       | Set to 'false' to disable SSL for local development                                                                                  | no         |
-| `ENTITLEMENTS_BASE_URL`              | `http://localhost:8081` or `https://some-hosted-url`                           | yes      | Specify the base url for an entitlements service instance. Can be run locally or remote                                              | no         |
-| `PARTITION_BASE_URL`                 | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://some-hosted-url`                           | yes      | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote                                                  | no         | 
-| `STORAGE_BASE_URL`                   | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://some-hosted-url`                           | yes      | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote                                                  | no         | 
-| `SCHEMA_BASE_URL`                    | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://some-hosted-url`                           | yes      | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote                                                  | no         |
-| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE`         | 20                                                                             | no       | Batch size for storage API `POST {endpoint}/query/records:batch`                                                                     | no         | 
-| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BY_KIND_BATCH_SIZE` | -                                                                              | no       | Batch size for storage API `GET {endpoint}/query/records`. If this is not present, defaults to value of `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE` | no         |  
-| `STORAGE_SQS_URL`                    | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-storage-queue`            | yes      | Can be found inside SSM, under `sqs/storage-queue/url` suffix                                                                        | yes        |
-| `INDEXER_DEADLETTER_QUEUE_SQS_URL`   | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-indexer-deadletter-queue` | yes      | Can be found inside SSM, under `indexer-queue/indexer-deadletter-queue/url` suffix                                                   | yes        |
-| `INDEXER_SNS_TOPIC_ARN`              | `arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:osdu-tenant-group-indexer-messages`          | yes      | Can be found in SSM under `core/indexer/sns/arn` suffix                                                                              | yes        |
+### Run Locally
+In order to run the service locally, you will need to have the following environment variables defined.
+To run the service remotely, please refer to the Helm Charts defined in the `indexer.tf` file of the `aws-terraform-deployment` repository.
+| name                                 | example value                                                                  | required | description                                                                                                                           | sensitive? |
+| `LOCAL_MODE`                         | `true`                                                                         | yes      | Set to 'true' to use env vars in place of the k8s variable resolver                                                                   | no         |
+| `APPLICATION_PORT`                   | `8080`                                                                         | yes      | The port the service will be hosted on.                                                                                               | no         |
+| `AWS_REGION`                         | `us-east-1`                                                                    | yes      | The region where resources needed by the service are deployed                                                                         | no         |
+| `LOG_LEVEL`                          | `DEBUG`                                                                        | yes      | The Log Level severity to use (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/log4j/log4j_logging_levels.htm)                                         | no         |
+| `SSM_ENABLED`                        | `true`                                                                         | yes      | Set to 'true' to use SSM to resolve config properties, otherwise use env vars                                                         | no         |
+| `SSL_ENABLED`                        | `false`                                                                        | yes      | Set to 'false' to disable SSL for local development                                                                                   | no         |
+| `DISABLE_USER_AGENT`                 | `false`                                                                        | yes      |                                                                                                                                       |            |
+| `OSDU_VERSION`                       | `0.0.0`                                                                        | yes      |                                                                                                                                       |            |
+| `ENTITLEMENTS_BASE_URL`              | `http://localhost:8081` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com`            | yes      | Specify the base url for an entitlements service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain. | no         |
+| `PARTITION_BASE_URL`                 | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com`            | yes      | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain.     | no         | 
+| `STORAGE_BASE_URL`                   | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com`            | yes      | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain.     | no         | 
+| `SCHEMA_BASE_URL`                    | `http://localhost:8082` or `https://your.osdu.instance.cluster.com`            | yes      | Specify the base url for a partition service instance. Can be run locally or remote. Don't include the API path, only the domain.     | no         |
+| `CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_ID`              | `<CLIENT_ID>`                                                                  | yes      | Usually found inside SSM under `client-credentials/id` suffix.                                                                        |            |
+| `CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_SECRET`          | `'{"client_credentials_client_secret": "<SECRET>"}'`                           | yes      | Usually found inside Secret Manager under the `client-credentials-secret` suffix. Include the full JSON dict, not just the value      |            |
+| `OAUTH_TOKEN_URI`                    | `https://osdu-1234567890.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token`        | yes      | Usually found inside SSM under `oauth/token-uri` suffix                                                                               |            |
+| `OAUTH_CUSTOM_SCOPE`                 | `osduOnAws/osduOnAWSService`                                                   | yes      | Usually found inside SSM under  `oauth/custom-scope` suffix                                                                           |            |
+| `STORAGE_SQS_URL`                    | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-storage-queue`            | yes      | Can be found inside SSM, under `sqs/storage-queue/url` suffix                                                                         | yes        |
+| `INDEXER_DEADLETTER_QUEUE_SQS_URL`   | `https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/1234567890/main-indexer-deadletter-queue` | yes      | Can be found inside SSM, under `indexer-queue/indexer-deadletter-queue/url` suffix                                                    | yes        |
+| `INDEXER_SNS_TOPIC_ARN`              | `arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567890:osdu-tenant-group-indexer-messages`          | yes      | Can be found in SSM under `core/indexer/sns/arn` suffix                                                                               | yes        |
+| `ELASTICSEARCH_HOST`                 | `localhost`                                                                    | yes      | See note below this table.                                                                                                            |            |
+| `ELASTICSEARCH_PORT`                 | `9200`                                                                         | yes      | See note below this table.                                                                                                            |            |
+| `ELASTICSEARCH_CREDENTIALS`          | `{"username":"<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>"}`                          | yes      | If using ES instance deployed in cluster, can be usually found in Secret Manager under `elasticsearch/credentials` suffix.            |            |
+| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE`         | 20                                                                             | no       | Batch size for storage API `POST {endpoint}/query/records:batch`                                                                      | no         | 
+| `STORAGE_RECORDS_BY_KIND_BATCH_SIZE` | -                                                                              | no       | Batch size for storage API `GET {endpoint}/query/records`. If this is not present, defaults to value of `STORAGE_RECORDS_BATCH_SIZE`  | no         |  
+For ElasticSearch, if you already have an OSDU environment deployed, you can use your existing ES instance by using port forwarding:
+kubectl port-forward -n osdu-tenant-TENANT_NAME-elasticsearch svc/elasticsearch-es-http 9200:9200
+And then just use `localhost` and `9200` for host and port.
+If you want to run ES locally, there are explanations below on this Readme on how to install it.
 ### Run Locally
 Check that maven is installed:
@@ -127,7 +140,7 @@ You should see in the logs that pop up what url and port it runs on. By default
  | name                                     | example value                                                         | description                                                                            | sensitive?|
- |------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --- |
+ |------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --- |
  | `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                      | `ASIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`                                                  | The AWS Access Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
  | `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`                  | `super-secret-key==`                                                  | The AWS Secret Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
  | `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`                      | `session-token-xxxxxxxxx`                                             | AWS Session token needed if using an SSO user session to authenticate                  | yes |
@@ -145,7 +158,7 @@ You should see in the logs that pop up what url and port it runs on. By default
  | `HOST`                                   | `http://localhost:8080`                                               | Base url for deployment                                                                | no |
  | `ELASTIC_HOST`                           | `localhost`                                                           | Url for elasticsearch                                                                  | no |
  | `ELASTIC_PORT`                           | `9300`                                                                | Port for elasticsearch                                                                 | no |
- | `ELASTICSEARCH_CREDENTIALS`              | `{"username":"<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>"}`                 | Login/passzord for user to access elasticsearch                                        | yes |
+ | `ELASTICSEARCH_CREDENTIALS`              | `{"username":"<USERNAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>"}`                 | Login/password for user to access elasticsearch                                        | yes |
  | `CUCUMBER_OPTIONS`                       | `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` OR `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` | By default `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` to enable experimental feature testing | no |