IBM's backend for legal
A note about authentication and entitlements
OAuth2 JWT token authentication is now enforced
A note about publishing legal tag changes
This is not implemented yet, the Bean that takes the pubsub requests is a Mock. However, since we are using cloudant, we could keep it that way and leverage cloudant's change stream
For testing a Cloudant instance is needed. Once you have a cloudant instance in IBMCloud, download the credentials JSON somewhere, and point the IBM_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable to it:
$> export IBM_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/credentials.json
Running the unit tests
To run the unit tests, go to provider/legal-ibm
and run:
$> mvn test
Running the acceptance tests
For this it ideal to open another terminal with the IBM_CREDENTIALS_FILE variable set also.
In one terminal go to testing/legal-test-ibm
and run:
In the other, also go to testing/legal-test-ibm
and run:
To delete the test databases, just run: