This document covers how to remain compliant at the different stages of the data lifecycle inside the Data Ecosystem.
1. When ingesting data
2. Whilst the data is inside the Data Ecosystem
3. When consuming data
The clients' interaction revolves around ingestion and consumption, so this is when you need to use what is contained in this guide. Point 2 should be mostly handled on the clients’ behalf; however, it is still important to understand that this is happening as it has ramifications on when and how data can be consumed.
Data compliance is largely governed through the Records in the storage service. Though there is an independent legal service and LegalTags entity, these offer no compliance by themselves.
Records have a Legal section in their schema and this is where the compliance is enforced. However, clients must still make sure they are using the Record service correctly to remain compliant.
Further details can be found in the [Creating a Record](#Creating-a-Record) section.
##API usage<a name="API-usage"></a>
Details of our APIs including how to create and retrieve LegalTags can be found in our Portal documentation [here.](/solutions/dataecosystem/apis)
You currently need the role **users.datalake.viewers** to access the LegalTag API. When creating a LegalTag you need at least the **users.datalake.editors** role. You need the **users.datalake.admins** role to update legalTags.
The Data Ecosystem stores data in different data partitions depending on the access to those data partitions in the osdu system.
A user may have access to many data partitions in osdu e.g. a OSDU user may have access to both the OSDU data partition and a customers data partition. When a user logs into the osdu portal they choose which data partition they currently want to be active.
When using the LegalTag APIs, you need to specify which data partition they currently have active access to and send it in the OSDU-data-partition-id header.
The correct values can be obtained from CFS services.
We use this value to work out which data partition to use. There is also a special data partition known as common
OSDU-data-partition-id: common
This has all public data in the Data Ecosystem. Users always have access to this as well as their current active data partition.
Currently you can only specify 1 data partition Id value at a time when using the Legal APIs. If you want to retrieve all LegalTags from both the user's data partition and the common data partition, you need to do 2 separate requests, changing the header value used in each.
You can also send a correlation id as a header so that a single request can be tracked throughout all the services it passes through. This can be a GUID on the header with a key
If you are the service initiating the request, you should generate the id. Otherwise, you should just forward it on in the request.
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##What is a LegalTag?<a name="What-is-a-LegalTag"></a>
A LegalTag is the entity that represents the legal status of data in the Data Ecosystem. It is a collection of *properties* that governs how the data can be consumed and ingested.
A legal tag is required for data ingestion. Therefore, creation of a legal tag is a necessary first step if there isn't a legal tag already exists for use with the ingested data. The LegalTag name is used for reference.
When data is ingested, it is assigned the LegalTag *name*. This name is checked for a corresponding valid LegalTag in the system. A valid LegalTag means it exists and has not expired. If a LegalTag is invalid, the data is rejected.
For instance, we may not allow ingestion of data from a certain country, or we may not allow consumption of data that has an expired contract.
A name needs to be assigned to the LegalTag during creation. The name is a unique identifier for the LegalTag that is used to access it.

The above diagram shows the typical sequence of events of a data ingestion. The important points to highlight are as follow:
* It is the clients' responsibility to create a LegalTag. LegalTag validation happens at this point.
* The Storage service validates the LegalTag for the data being ingested.
* Only after validating a LegalTag exists can we ingest data. No data should be stored at any point in the Data Ecosystem that does not have a valid LegalTag.
##Creating a LegalTag<a name="Creating-a-LegalTag"></a>
Any data being ingested needs a LegalTag associated with it. You can create a LegalTag by using the POST LegalTag API e.g.
POST /api/legal/v1/legaltags
"name": "demo-legaltag",
"description": "A legaltag used for demonstration purposes.",
"description": "A legaltag used for demonstration purposes.",
"properties": {
"contractId":"No Contract Related",
"dataType":"Public Domain Data",
"personalData":"No Personal Data"
It is good practice for LegalTag names to be clear and descriptive of the properties it represents, so it would be easy to discover and to associate to the correct data with it. Also, the description field is a free form optional field to allow for you to add context to the LegalTag, making easier to understand and retrieve over time.
When creating LegalTags, the name is automatically prefixed with the data partition Id that is sent in the request. So in the example above, if the given OSDU-data-partition-id header value is **common**, then the actual name of the LegalTag would be **common-demo-legaltag**.
To help with LegalTag creation, it is advised to use the Get LegalTag Properties API to obtain the allowed properties before creating a legal tag. This returns the allowed values for many of the LegalTag properties.
Below are details of the properties you can supply when creating a LegalTag along with the values you can use. The allowed properties values can be data partition specific. Valid values associated with the property are shown. All values are mandatory unless otherwise stated.
You can get the data partition's specific allowed properties values by using LegalTag Properties api e.g.
Valid values: An array of ISO Alpha-2 country code. This is normally one value but can be more. This is required.
Notes: This is the country from where the data originally came, NOT from where the data was sent. The list of allowed countries is below. If ingesting Third Party Data, you can ingest data from any country that is not embargoed, if you have a valid contract associated with it that allows for this.
####Contract Id
Valid values: This should be the Contract Id associated with the data or 'Unknown' or 'No Contract Related'.
Notes: This is always required for any data types.
####Expiration date
Valid values: Any date in the future in the format yyyy-MM-dd (e.g. 2099-12-25) or empty.
Notes: This sets the inclusive date when the LegalTag expires and the data it relates to is no longer usable in the Data Ecosystem. This normally is taken from the physical contracts expiration date i.e. when you supply a contract ID. This is non mandatory field, but is required for certain types of data e.g. 3rd party. If the field is not set it will be autopopulated with the value 9999-12-31.
Valid values: Should be the name of the client, supplier or Self
Notes: Different data types are allowed dependent on the data partitions e.g. vendor partitions have different governing rules as opposed to standard partitions. To list the allowed data types for your data partition use the [LegalTag Properties](#LegalTag-properties). 'Third Party Data' is allowed ONLY with a contract ID and expiration date set. 'Client Data' is the ONLY allowed value in Client data partitions, and 'Client Data' can be allowed in OSDU data partitions under exemption, in which case the contract ID and expiration date are required; contract ID and expiration date are not required if ingesting 'Client Data" in client data partitions.
####Security classification
Valid values: 'Public', 'Private', 'Confidential'
Notes: This is the OSDU standard security classification for the data. We currently do not allow 'Secret' data to be stored in the Data Ecosystem.
Notes: We currently only allow data with the ECCN classification 'EAR99'
####Personal data
Valid values: 'Personally Identifiable', 'No Personal Data'
Notes: We do not currently allow data that is 'Sensitive Personal Information' and this should not be ingested.
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##Creating a Record<a name="Creating-a-Record"></a>
This relates to creating Records that are *NOT* derivatives. See the derivative section below for details on Record creation for derivative data.
Once you have a LegalTag created, you can assign it to as many Records as you like. However, it is the data managers' responsibility to assign accurate LegalTags to data.
When creating a Record, the following needs to be assigned for legal compliance:
* The LegalTag name associated with the Record
* The Alpha-2 country code of the original caller where the data is being ingested from
Below is a full example of the payload needed when creating a Record. The *legal* section shows what is required.
"acl": {
"owners": [
"viewers": [
"data": {
"count": 123456789
"id": "common:id:123456789",
"kind": "common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0",
"legal" :{
"legaltags": [
"otherRelevantDataCountries": ["US"] //the physical location of the person ingesting the data
* legaltags - This section represents the names of the LegalTag(s) associated with the Record. This has to be supplied when the Record represents raw or source data (i,e, not derivative data)
* otherRelevantDataCountries - This is the Alpha-2 country codes for the country the data was ingested from and the country where the data is located in Data Ecosystem.
You can get the list of all valid LegalTags using the Get LegalTags API method. You can use this to help assign only valid LegalTags to data when ingesting.
##What are Derivatives?<a name="What-are-Dervatives"></a>
Often when ingesting data into the Data Ecosystem, it is the raw data itself. In these scenarios, you associate a single LegalTag with this data.
However, in the case when the data to be ingested come from multiple sources, it is the case of derivative data. For instance, what if you take multiple Records from the Data Ecosystem and create a whole new Record based on them all? Or what if you run an algorithm over your seismic data and create an attribute associated with this data you want to ingest?
At this point, you have derivative data (i.e., data derived from data). In these scenarios, you will need to assign LegalTags to this new data which is the union of the LegalTags associated to all the source data from which it was created.
For instance, I have Data A associated with LegalTag 1, and Data B associated with LegalTag 2. If I create Data C from Data A and Data B, then I need to associate both LegaltTag 1 and LegalTag 2 to Data C.
###Creating derivative Records
When creating Records that represent derivative data, the following must be assigned:
* The Record Id and version of all the Records that are the direct parents of the new derivative. This is added to the *ancestry* section
* The Alpha-2 country code of where the derivative was created
Below is an example of the minimum number of fields required to ingest a derivative Record.
"acl": {
"owners": [
"viewers": [
"data": {
"count": 123456789
"id": "common:id:123456789",
"kind": "common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0",
"legal" :{
"otherRelevantDataCountries": ["US"] //the physical location of where the derivative was created
"ancestry" :{
"parents": ["common:id:1:version", "common:id:2:version"] //the record ids and versions of the Records this derivative was created from
As shown the parent Records are provided as well as the ORDC of where the derivative was created. The Record service takes responsibility for populating the full LegalTag and ORDC values based on the parents.
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##Validating a LegalTag<a name="Validating-a-LegalTag"></a>
The Storage service validates whether a Record is legally compliant during ingestion and consumption. Therefore, you can delegate the effort to the Record service as the request will fail if the Record is not compliant.
However, there may be times you want to validate LegalTags directly.
You can validate a LegalTag by using the LegalTag validate API supplying the names of the LegalTags you wish to validate e.g.
POST /api/legal/v1/legaltags:validate
"names": ["common-demo-legaltag"]
If the LegalTag is valid, the response then looks something like this
"invalidLegalTags": []
If the LegalTag is invalid, the response then looks something like this
So if you just want to check that the given LegalTag(s) are currently valid, you only have to check if the returned 'invalidLegalTags' collection is empty.
Ingestion services forward the request to the LegalTag API using the same _SAuth_ token making the ingestion request. This checks both that a LegalTag exists and that the data has appropriate access to it.
##Updating a LegalTag<a name="Updating-a-LegalTag"></a>
One of the main cases where a LegalTag can become invalid is if a contract expiration date passes. This makes both the LegalTag invalid and *all* data associated with that LegalTag including derivatives.
In these situations we can update LegalTags to make them valid again and so make the associated data accessible. Currently we only allow the update of the *description*, *contract ID* and *expiration date* properties.
PUT /api/legal/v1/legaltags
"name": "common-demo-legaltag", //the name of the legaltag you are updating
"contractId", "AE12345"
"expirationDate", "2099-12-21"
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##Compliance on consumption<a name="Compliance-on-Consumption"></a>
As previously stated, the Records in the Storage service largely governs data compliance. This means that if you use the Storage or Search core services, then compliance on consumption is handled on your behalf i.e. these services will not return Records that are no longer legally compliant.
However, there are use cases where you may not use these services all the time e.g. if you have your own operational data store. In these cases you will need to check the LegalTags associated with your data are still valid before allowing consumption. For this, we have a PubSub topic that can be subscribed to.
After subscribing to the topic, you will receive notifications daily. These notifications will list all LegalTags that have changed, and whether the LegalTag has become compliant or non-compliant.
"statusChangedTags": [ {
"changedTagName": "legaltag-name1",
"changedTagStatus": "compliant"
"changedTagName": "legaltag-name2",
"changedTagStatus": "incompliant"
} ]
The above shows an example message sent to subscribers. It shows you receive an array of items. Each item has the LegalTag name that has changed and whether it has changed to be compliant or incompliant.
If it has become incompliant, you must make sure associated data is no longer allowed to be consumed.
If it is marked compliant, data that was not allowed for consumption can now be consumed through your services.