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Wellbore Domain Data Management Services (Wellbore-DDMS) Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) is one of the several backend services that comprise OSDU software ecosystem. It is a single, containerized service written in Python that provides an API for wellbore related data.

Install Software and Packages

  1. Clone the os-wellbore-ddms repository

  2. Download Python >=3.7

  3. Ensure pip, a pre-installed package manager and installer for Python, is installed and is upgraded to the latest version.

    # Windows
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python -m pip --version
    # macOS and Linux
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python3 -m pip --version
  4. Using pip, download FastAPI, the main framework to build the service APIs. To install fastapi and uvicorn (to work as the server), run the following command:

    pip install fastapi[all]
  5. venv allows you to manage separate package installations for different projects. They essentially allow you to create a "virtual" isolated Python installation and packages into that virtual environment. venv is already included in the Python standard library and requires no additional installation.

Fast API Dependencies

  • pydantic: provides the ability to do data validation using python type annotations. It enforces type hints at runtime provide a more robust data validation option.
    • dataclasses: module in python which provides a decorator and functions for automatically adding generated special methods to user-defined classes.
  • starlette: lightweight ASGI framework. FastAPI is a sub-class of Starlette and includes features such as websocket support, startup and shutdown events, session and cookie support.

Additional Dependencies

Library Dependencies

  • Common parts and interfaces

    • osdu-core-lib-python
  • Implementation of blob storage on GCP

    • osdu-core-lib-python-gcp
  • Implementation of blob storage and partition service on Azure

    • osdu-core-lib-python-azure
  • Client libraries for OSDU data ecosystem services

    • osdu-data-ecosystem-search
    • osdu-data-ecosystem-storage

Project Startup

Dask Configuration - Locally

By default, It will use all memory available and use CPU resources through workers. The number of workers is determined by the quantity of core the current local machine has.

Dask Configuration - In a cluster

In a container context, such as Kubernetes we recommend to set container memory limit at 3Gi of RAM and 4-8 CPUs. At the minimum 1.2Gi and 1 cpu but performance will be reduced, but enough to handle WellLogs of 10 curves with 1M values each.

Note: container memory is not entirely dedicated to Dask workers, fastapi service with its process also require some.

Run the service locally

  1. Create virtual environment in the wellbore project directory. This will create a folder inside of the wellbore project directory. For example: ~/os-wellbore-ddms/nameofvirtualenv

    # Windows
    python -m venv env
    # macOS/Linux
    python3 -m venv env
  2. Activate the virtual environment

    # Windows
    source env/Scripts/activate
    # macOS/Linux
    source env/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Or, for a developer setup, this will install tools to help you work with the code.

    pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_dev.txt
  4. Run the service

    # Run the service which will default to
    # Run on specific host, port and enforce dev mode
    python --host MY_HOST --port MY_PORT --dev_mode 1

    If host is or localhost, the dev_mode is automatically set to True. The only significant change if dev_mode is on, is that configuration errors at startup are logged but don’t prevent the service to run, and allow to override some implementations.

The hosts for the search and storage services have to be provided as environment variables, or on the command line.


Connect and Run Endpoints

  1. Generate bearer token as all APIs but /about require authentication.

    • Navigate to Click Authorize and enter your token. That will allow for authenticated requests.
  2. Choose storage option

    Even if the service runs locally it still relies on osdu data ecosystem storage service to store documents and google blob store to store binary data (bulk data). It is possible to override this and use your local file system instead by setting the following environment variables:

    • USE_INTERNAL_STORAGE_SERVICE_WITH_PATH to store on a local folder instead of osdu ecosystem storage service.
    • USE_LOCALFS_BLOB_STORAGE_WITH_PATH to store on a local folder instead of google blob storage.
    # Create temp storage folders
    mkdir tmpstorage
    mkdir tmpblob
    # Set your repo path
    python -e USE_INTERNAL_STORAGE_SERVICE_WITH_PATH $path/os-wellbore-ddms/tmpstorage -e USE_LOCALFS_BLOB_STORAGE_WITH_PATH $path/os-wellbore-ddms/tmpblob
  3. Choose Cloud Provider

    • The code can be run with specifying environment variables and by setting the cloud provider. The accepted values are gcp, az or local. When a cloud provider is passed as an environment variables, there are certain additional environment variables that become mandatory.

Setting the Cloud Provider Environment Variables

  • The following environment variables are required when the cloud provider is set to GCP:

    • OS_WELLBORE_DDMS_DATA_PROJECT_CREDENTIALS: path to the key file of the SA to access the data tenant
    • SERVICE_HOST_SEARCH: The Search Service host
    • SERVICE_HOST_STORAGE: The Storage Service host
    python -e CLOUD_PROVIDER gcp \
    -e SERVICE_HOST_SEARCH search_host \
    -e SERVICE_HOST_STORAGE storage_host
  • The following environment variables are required when the cloud provider is set to Azure:

    • AZ_AI_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY: Azure Application Insights instrumentation key
    • SERVICE_HOST_SEARCH: The Search Service host
    • SERVICE_HOST_STORAGE: The Storage Service host
    • SERVICE_HOST_PARTITION: The Partition Service internal host
    • KEYVAULT_URL: The Key Vault url (needed by the Partition Service)
    • USE_PARTITION_SERVICE: enabled when Partition Service is available in the environment. Needs to be disabled for dev or to run locally.
    python -e CLOUD_PROVIDER az \
    -e AZ_AI_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY instrumentationkey \
    -e SERVICE_HOST_SEARCH search_host \
    -e SERVICE_HOST_STORAGE storage_host \
    -e SERVICE_HOST_PARTITION partition_host \
    -e KEYVAULT_URL keyvault_url \

Note: If you're running locally, you may need to provide environmental variables in your IDE. Here is a sample for providing a .env file.

As default, all Core Services endpoint values are set to None in app/, you can update .env file for core services endpoints based on your cloud provider.

Create a log record

To create a WellLog record, below is a payload sample for the POST /ddms/v3/welllogs API. The response will contain an id you can use to create some bulk data.

    "acl": {
      "viewers": [
      "owners": [
    "data": {
      "Curves": [
          "CurveID": "GR_ID",
          "Mnemonic": "GR",
          "CurveUnit": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:m:",
          "LogCurveFamilyID": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--LogCurveFamily:GammaRay:"
          "CurveID": "POR_ID",
          "Mnemonic": "NPOR",
          "CurveUnit": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:m:",
          "LogCurveFamilyID": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--LogCurveFamily:NeutronPorosity:"
          "CurveID": "Bulk Density",
          "Mnemonic": "RHOB",
          "CurveUnit": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:m:",
          "LogCurveFamilyID": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--LogCurveFamily:BulkDensity:"
      "WellboreID": "{{datapartitionid}}:master-data--Wellbore:{{wellboreId}}:",
      "CreationDateTime": "2013-03-22T11:16:03Z",
      "VerticalMeasurement": {
        "VerticalMeasurement": 2680.5,
        "VerticalMeasurementPathID": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--VerticalMeasurementPath:MD:",
        "VerticalMeasurementUnitOfMeasureID": "{{datapartitionid}}:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:ft:"
      "TopMeasuredDepth": 12345.6,
      "BottomMeasuredDepth": 13856.25,
      "Name": "{{welllogName}}",
      "ExtensionProperties": {
        "step": {
          "unitKey": "ft",
          "value": 0.1
        "dateModified": "2013-03-22T11:16:03Z"
    "id": "{{datapartitionid}}:work-product-component--WellLog:{{welllogId}}",
    "kind": "osdu:wks:work-product-component--WellLog:1.0.0",
    "legal": {
      "legaltags": [
      "otherRelevantDataCountries": [
    "meta": [
        "kind": "Unit",
        "name": "ft",
        "persistableReference": "{\"scaleOffset\":{\"scale\":0.3048,\"offset\":0.0},\"symbol\":\"ft\",\"baseMeasurement\":{\"ancestry\":\"Length\",\"type\":\"UM\"},\"type\":\"USO\"}",
        "propertyNames": [
        "propertyValues": [
        "kind": "DateTime",
        "name": "datetime",
        "persistableReference": "{\"format\":\"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ\",\"timeZone\":\"UTC\",\"type\":\"DTM\"}",
        "propertyNames": [

Run with Uvicorn

uvicorn app.wdms_app:wdms_app --port LOCAL_PORT

Then access app on<LOCAL_PORT>/api/os-wellbore-ddms/docs

Run with Docker

Build Image


# Build Image
docker build -t=$IMAGE_TAG --rm . -f ./build/dockerfile --build-arg PIP_WHEEL_DIR=python-packages

Run Image

  1. Run the image

    Replace the LOCAL_PORT value with a local port

  2. Access app on<LOCAL_PORT>/api/os-wellbore-ddms/docs

  3. The environment variable OS_WELLBORE_DDMS_DEV_MODE=1 enables dev mode

  4. Logs can be checked by running

    docker logs CONTAINER_ID

Run Unit Tests Locally

# Install test dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_dev.txt

python -m pytest --junit-xml=unit_tests_report.xml --cov=app --cov-report=html --cov-report=xml ./tests/unit

Coverage reports can be viewed after the command is run. The HMTL reports are saved in the htmlcov directory.

Run Integration Tests locally

This example runs basic tests using the local filesystem for blob storage and storage service. There's no search or entilements service, everything runs locally.

First, create the temp storage folders and run the service.

mkdir -p tmpstorage
mkdir -p tmpblob

In another terminal, generate a minimum configuration file and run the integration tests.

cd tests/integration
python --token $(pyjwt --key=secret encode --base_url "" --cloud_provider "local" --data_partition "dummy"
pytest ./functional --environment="./generated/postman_environment.json" --filter-tag=basic

For more information see the integration tests README

Manage package dependencies

Anytime, you may want to ensure your virtual environment is in sync with your requirements specification. For this you can use:


If you want to work with other requirements file, you can specify them

pip-sync requirements.txt requirements_dev.txt

If you want to update requirements.txt to retrieve the most recent version, respecting bounds set in, you can use:


If you want to update the version of only one dependency, for instance fastapi:

pip-compile --upgrade-package fastapi

For more information:


Port Forward from Kubernetes

  1. List the pods: kubectl get pods
  2. Port forward: kubectl port-forward pods/POD_NAME LOCAL_PORT:8080
  3. Access it on<LOCAL_PORT>/api/os-wellbore-ddms/docs


OpenCensus libraries are used to record incoming requests metrics (execution time, result code, etc...). At the moment, 100% of the requests are saved.