[SAST] SQL_Injection in file QueryApi.java(GONRG-8065, GONRG-8066)
Vulnerability was detected in project source code. Security testing type: SAST.
Source | Destination | |
File | well-delivery/wd-core/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/wd/core/api/QueryApi.java | well-delivery/provider/wd-gc/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/wd/gcp/dataaccess/db/postgres/JdbcEntityRepository.java |
Line number | 108 | 441 |
Object | type | query |
Code line | @PathVariable("type") String type, | entities = jdbcTemplate.query(sqlQuery, |
The application's getJdbcEntity method executes an SQL query with query, at line 441 of \well-delivery\provider\wd-gc\src\main\java\org\opengroup\osdu\wd\gcp\dataaccess\db\postgres\JdbcEntityRepository.java. The application constructs this SQL query by embedding an untrusted string into the query without proper sanitization. The concatenated string is submitted to the database, where it is parsed and executed accordingly.An attacker would be able to inject arbitrary syntax and data into the SQL query, by crafting a malicious payload and providing it via the input type; this input is then read by the getObjectsByWellbore_actual method at line 108 of \well-delivery\wd-core\src\main\java\org\opengroup\osdu\wd\core\api\QueryApi.java. This input then flows through the code, into a query and to the database server - without sanitization.This may enable an SQL Injection attack.