This project will provide the restful APIs to access SEGY file headers.
There are 3 ways to build and test this service: local, docker and GitLab.
# Local
## Getting Started
1. Installation process
- Install Python virtual environment if not
`pip install virtualenv`
- Create a virtual environment
`virtualenv venv --python=python3.10`
- Activate virtual environment
- Install dependencies
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
- Deactivate virtual environment
`(venv)> deactivate`
- Install javascript dependencies. In folder app/ run this command
`npm install`
2. Software dependencies
- fastapi
- uvicorn
1. set environment variable `SDMS_SERVICE_HOST` to the url of [seismic store service]
3. Open `http://localhost:8000/seismic-file-metadata/api/v1/swagger-ui.html` in web browser
- Enter bearer token (you can get it from Delfi Portal) and appkey for authorization
- Enter sdpath i.e. `sd://opendes/dchentest/test.sgy`
1. Build the docker image. `docker build -t seismic-metadata-image . `
1. Run the docker image. `docker run --env SDMS_SERVICE_HOST=<SDMS_SERVICE_HOST> -d -it --rm --name seismic-metadata-container -p 8080:8000 seismic-metadata-image`
Replace environment variable `<SDMS_SERVICE_HOST>` with the url of [seismic store service]
2. Open `http://localhost:8080/seismic-file-metadata/api/v1/swagger-ui.html` in web browser
- Enter bearer token (you can get it from Delfi Portal) and appkey for authorization
- Enter sdpath i.e. `sd://opendes/dchentest/test.sgy`
# GitLab
## Build and Test
1. [CI/CD Pipeline](
2. `SDMS_SERVICE_HOST` is defined in `devops\azure\chart\templates\configmap.yaml`
3. [Test web url](
1. Navigate to `seismic-store-service/app/filemetadata/app`
2. Run command `python -m unittest discover -s test -p "test_*" -v`
# Run integration tests locally
> ENV variables needed for CI/CD, `svctoken (eg. Bearer eyJ...)`, `LEGAL_TAG (eg. opendes-public-usa-dataset-7643990)`, `SVC_API_KEY (Working API key)`, `TENANT_NAME (eg. opendes)`, `DNS (Defaults to localhost and qa)`
1. Navigate to `seismic-store-service/app/filemetadata/app/integration_test`
3. Run command `python -m behave -v`