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adding resiliency in Register services

Workflow used:

  1. Create subscription(POST)
  2. Fetch the subscription via ID returned in step 1.(GET)
  3. Delete the subscription(DELETE)


Referring to below SS, at ~30rps, max time taken to respond was approx 1 minute. On the basis of discussion with SO and their previous experience it has been finalised as 180 secs. Screenshot_2022-05-10_112524 Screenshot_2022-05-11_005240

Circuit Breaker:

Ejection timeout(Time taken by REgister pod to restart itself from failure ~2 mins) :Screenshot_2022-05-09_161505

Rate limit:

Number of requests that does not lead to 503s.

35 requests per 5 seconds 35rpsper5secs

50 requets per 5 seconds 50rpsper5sec

75 requests per 5 seconds 75rpsper5secs

p.s. Check infra related changes and prior discussions here : !247 (merged) For retries here : !245 (merged)


Merge request reports