*[DAG Release and Distribution](#dag-release-and-distribution)
*[DAG Deployment](#dag-deployment)
**[Google Cloud](#gc)
**[Registering a Workflow](#registering-a-workflow)
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
Airflow DAG for transformation from SEGY to OpenVDS
## GCP
## Google Cloud
The `dags/segy_to_vds_ssdms_conversion_dag.py` DAG stores output to Seismic DDMS.
The `dags/segy_to_vds_conversion_dag.py` DAG stores output to GCS bucket.
# DAG File Compilation
## GCP
## Google Cloud
The `dags/segy_to_vds_ssdms_conversion_dag.py` DAG file contains a number of placeholders `{| |}`, specifying to put proper values there, e.g.
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ To bootstrap the DAG file cloud providers provide their specific `bootstrap` [sc
# DAG Release and Distribution
## GCP
GCP DAG version is distributed as a generic package. During OSDU release the bootstrapped DAG file is published to the [Gitlab Generic Registy](https://community.opengroup.org/help/user/packages/generic_packages/index.md#publish-a-generic-package-by-using-cicd).
## Google Cloud
Google Cloud DAG version is distributed as a generic package. During OSDU release the bootstrapped DAG file is published to the [Gitlab Generic Registy](https://community.opengroup.org/help/user/packages/generic_packages/index.md#publish-a-generic-package-by-using-cicd).
# DAG Deployment
## GCP
For GCP, the bootstrapped DAG only uses Airflow variables to populate these values at runtime.
## Google Cloud
For Google Cloud, the bootstrapped DAG only uses Airflow variables to populate these values at runtime.
Before deploying this DAG, make sure the following Airlfow variables are set: