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# Quick Start instructions for work with SEGY -> OpenVDS parser (Pre-ship)
- [Quick Start instructions for work with SEGY -> OpenVDS parser (Pre-ship)](#quick-start-instructions-for-work-with-segy---openvds-parser-pre-ship)
  - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
    - [Required Entitlements groups](#required-entitlements-groups)
    - [Generate ID token](#generate-id-token)
    - [Install SDUTIL](#install-sdutil)
    - [Other issues](#other-issues)
  - [Segy -> OpenVDS conversion](#segy---openvds-conversion)
    - [Create Seismic Store's `tenant` and `subprojects`](#create-seismic-stores-tenant-and-subprojects)
    - [Upload Segy-file from you machine USING SDUTIL](#upload-segy-file-from-you-machine-using-sdutil)
    - [Start Segy -> OpenVDS conversion workflow](#start-segy---openvds-conversion-workflow)

This guide is about how to run Segy->OpenVDS conversion Workflow on  Pre-ship.

## Prerequisites

### Required Entitlements groups

Be sure you are in the following Entitlements groups(GET: `{{entitlements_api_url}}/entitlements/v2/groups`):

- `users.datalake.admins`
- `app.trusted`
- `service.seistore.admin`
- `service.entitlements.user`
- `service.workflow.creator`
- `seistore.system.admin`

### Generate ID token

Seismic Store requires well-generated ID token.

Follow this guide to get API Credentials:

The most common issue with generating right ID token is using wrong **ClientID** and **ClientSecrets**. Contact our devopses to obtain the right ones.

### Install SDUTIL

SDUTIL is a command line Python utility designed to work easily with Seismic Store.

Follow the installation guide here:

Replace the content of `seismic-store-sdutil/sdlib/config.yaml` with this:

  service: '{"google": {"defaultEnv":{"url": "<seismic_store_host>/api/v3", "appkey": ""}}}'
  url: '<seismic_store_host>/api/v3'
  cloud_provider: 'google'
  key: ''
  env: 'defaultEnv'
  auth-mode: 'JWT Token'
  ssl_verify: False
  APPKEY: ''
  default: ''
  empty: 'none'


Then, initialize configs:

python sdutil config init

And choose the first option:

[1] google

Select the cloud provider: 1

Then, you may skip inserting the google (defaultEnv) application key.

Now your SDUTIL is ready to use with JWT token (your ID token).


python sdutil stat sd://<your_tenant> --idtoken=$ID_token

### Other issues

You may find it useful to read this page:

## Segy -> OpenVDS conversion

### Create Seismic Store's `tenant` and `subprojects`

The seismic store uri is a string used to uniquely address a resource in the system and can be obtained by appending the prefix sd:// before the required resource path: `sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<path>*/<dataset>`

Before you start uploading the file, you may create `tenant` and `subproject`.

If you want to use **already created** `tenant` and `subproject`, ask the owner (creator) of the `subroject` to add you to it:

curl --location --request PUT '<seismic_store_host>/api/v3/user' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <id_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: test' \
--header 'appkey: test' \
--data-raw '{
	"email": "<your_email>@<domain>.com",
	"path": "sd://<tenant>/<subproject>",
	"group": "editor"

This command will add you to required Entitlements groups to work with the concrete `subproject.`

Create the `tenant`:

curl --location -g --request POST '<seismic_store_host>/api/v3/tenant/<new-tenant>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <id_token>' \
--header 'data-partition-id: <data-partition-id>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "gcpid": "<pre-ship GCP project ID>",
    "esd": "<data-partition-id>.<domain>.com",
    "default_acl": "data.default.owners@<data-partition-id>.<domain>.com"

Then, create the `subproject`:

curl --location -g --request POST '<seismic_store_host>/api/v3/subproject/tenant/<new-tenant>/subproject/<subproject>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <id_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'ltag: <data-partition-id>-demo-legaltag' \
--header 'appkey: test' \
--header 'data-partition-id: <data-partition-id>' \
--data-raw '{

    "storage_class": "MULTI_REGIONAL",
    "storage_location": "US",
    "acl": {
        "owners": [
        "viewers": [

### Upload Segy-file from you machine using SDUTIL

After you installed SDUTIL you must have:
- all required groups in Entitlements;
- well-generated ID token;
- properly configured SDUTIL;
- created Seismic Store's `tenant` and `subproject` with access to it.

Copy the file from your local machine to Seismic Store:

python sdutil cp /path/to/local/segy/file sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<some_path>/<file_name> --idtoken=$ID_TOKEN

From this point your Segy-file is available as a dataset in Seismic Store.

To get the dataset's short info:

python sdutil stat sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<some_path>/<file_name> --idtoken=$ID_TOKEN

Sometimes it is required to unlock your uploaded dataset

python sdutil unlock sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<path>/<file_name>  --idtoken=$ID_TOKEN

`sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<some_path>/<file_name>` is URI to address your dataset. With this URI you will work in the next steps.

### Ingest the WorkProduct of the Segy-file

Ingest the corresponding Manifest with using Manifest-based-ingestion. The `sd-path` must be set as a value of `data.DatasetsProperties.FileCollectionPath` of the dataset--FileCollection.SEGY record. 

Then, you can use the Ids of the File and WorkProduct records for the further conversion.

### Start Segy -> OpenVDS conversion workflow

After you uploaded the file on Seismic Store and created the metadata of the file, you can start the conversion workflow:

curl --location --request POST '<workflow_host>/v1/workflow/Segy_to_vds_conversion_sdms/workflowRun' \
--header 'data-partition-id: <data-partition-id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "executionContext": {
        "Payload": {
            "AppKey": "test-app",
            "data-partition-id": "<data-partition-id>"
        "vds_url": "sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<path>",
        "persistent_id": "<unique name of vds conversion>",
        "id_token": <id_token>
        "work_product_id": "<work-product-id>"
        "file_record_id": <vds-file-record-id>
After the conversion, a new OpenVDS FileRecord will be created with the `sd-path` to the OpenVDS collection in it. Also, the SeismicTraceData record will be updated with `Artefacts` field with the reference to the OpenVDS file.

The following fields:

- `vds_url` - the part of the OpenVDS dataset Seismic Store URI consisting of `tenant`, `subproject`, and `path`;

- `persistent_id` - unique ID of the dataset, can be considered the dataset's name;

- `file_record_id` - Segy-file metadata with Seismic Store URI.

- `work_product_id` - Work product id with WPC that have references to the FIle Record

The full Seismic Store URI of OpenVDS dataset will look like `sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<path>/<persistent_id>`.

To verify that OpenVDS collection was created successfully:

python sdutil stat sd://<tenant>/<subproject>/<path>/<persistent_id> --idtoken=$ID_TOKEN


curl --location --request GET '<seismic_store_host>/api/v3/dataset/tenant/<tenant>/subproject/<subproject>/dataset/<persistent_id>?path=<path>&seismicmeta=true' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <id_token>' \
--header 'data-partition-id: <data-partition-id>'