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Labels 131
IssueNon Issue
This issue has been reviewed and confirmed that it is not an issue but rather an intended behavior/operational issue/basic query.
A process decision record (PDR) is a result of an process inefficiency where a new OSDU practice that has agreed to address the existing process inefficiency (perhaps requiring new process, operation patterns)
A task is an issue where developers use to track the ongoing activities, e.g. could be a clean up. Not necessarily a defect or backlog.
This issue relates to improving or introducing unit testing, integration, or automation in code testing
IssueUnder Review
This issue needs to be confirmed if this is the intended behavior of the service
Issue life cycle label: Label applied to indicate that issues are confirmed, but no active work are in progress. Pending volunteers to pick up.
KBOn Hold
Issue life cycle label: These are activities that have been placed on hold, either because of a blocking factor or displaced by a higher priority