Markdown Syntax
What is Markdown?
Markdown is a lightweight text markup syntax. A key design objective of Markdown was to provide a syntax that can be easily be converted to web pages and rich text documents, but would also be readable - a human reading Markdown should be able to understand the content.
Markdown is not a single standard, and many variants exist.
Markdown on Gitlab
GitLab uses a specific variant of Markdown called GitLab Flavored Markdown, which extends the original [Markdown] syntax following the CommonMark Specification specification.
Basic Markdown Syntax
Bold Text: **Bold Text**
Italic Text: _Italic Text_
Headers and Structure
GitLab uses standard Markdown notation for headers: # Header 1
produces a Heading level 1, ## Header 2
produces a second level header, etc.
In Gilab, all Markdown-rendered headers automatically get IDs, which can be linked to, except in comments.
- Bulleted Lists:
* Bullet 1
- Enumerated Lists:
1. List item 1
Link to another pages in the Wiki: [another page](pagename)
. Note these may be hierarchical using subfolders: examples of use of hierarchy are here.
Link to an external web page: [external page](