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Service Configuration for Google Cloud

Run args

In order to run Search with Java 17 additional run args must be provided:

--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens  java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED

Full command:

java -jar search.jar --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED

Table of Contents

Environment variables

Define the following environment variables.

Must have:

name value description sensitive? source
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE ex gcp Spring profile that activate default configuration for Google Cloud environment false -
<ELASTICSEARCH_USER_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME> ex user Elasticsearch user, name of that variable not defined at the service level, the name will be received through partition service. Each tenant can have it's own ENV name value, and it must be present in ENV of Indexer service, see Partition properties set yes -
<ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME> ex password Elasticsearch password, name of that variable not defined at the service level, the name will be received through partition service. Each tenant can have it's own ENV name value, and it must be present in ENV of Indexer service, see Partition properties set false -

Defined in default application property file but possible to override:

name value description sensitive? source
LOG_PREFIX service Logging prefix no -
SERVER_SERVLET_CONTEXPATH /api/search/v2/ Servlet context path no -
AUTHORIZE_API ex Entitlements API endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
REDIS_SEARCH_HOST ex Redis host for search cache no
REDIS_SEARCH_PORT ex 6379 Redis port for search no
REDIS_SEARCH_PASSWORD ex ***** Redis search host password yes
REDIS_SEARCH_WITH_SSL ex true or false Redis search host ssl config no
REDIS_SEARCH_EXPIRATION ex 30 Redis search cache expiration in seconds no
REDIS_GROUP_HOST ex Redis host for search groups cache no
REDIS_GROUP_PORT ex 6379 Redis port for search group cache no
REDIS_GROUP_PASSWORD ex ***** Redis search groups host password yes
REDIS_GROUP_WITH_SSL ex true or false Redis search groups host ssl config no
REDIS_GROUP_EXPIRATION ex 30 Redis search groups cache expiration in seconds no
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS ex /path/to/directory/service-key.json Service account credentials, you only need this if running locally yes
SECURITY_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_TRUST ex false Elastic client connection uses TrustSelfSignedStrategy(), if it is 'true' false output of infrastructure deployment
PARTITION_API ex http://localhost:8080/api/partition/v1 Partition service endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
POLICY_API ex http://localhost:8080/api/policy/v1/ Policy service endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
POLICY_ID ex search policyId from ex http://localhost:8080/api/policy/v1/policies. Look at POLICY_API no -
SERVICE_POLICY_ENABLED ex false Enable or Disable an integration with Policy Service no output of infrastructure deployment
MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINTS_WEB_BASE ex / Web base for Actuator no -
MANAGEMENT_SERVER_PORT ex 8081 Port for Actuator no -

These variables define service behavior, and are used to switch between Reference or Google Cloud environments, their overriding and usage in mixed mode was not tested. Usage of spring profiles is preferred.

name value description sensitive? source
PARTITION_AUTH_ENABLED ex true or false Disable or enable auth token provisioning for requests to Partition service no -
SERVICE_TOKEN_PROVIDER GCP or OPENID Service account token provider, GCP means use Google service account OPEIND means use OpenId provider like Keycloak no -

Properties set in Partition service

Note that properties can be set in Partition as sensitive in that case in property value should be present not value itself, but ENV variable name. This variable should be present in environment of service that need that variable.


    "elasticsearch.port": {
      "sensitive": false, <- value not sensitive
      "value": "9243"  <- will be used as is.
      "elasticsearch.password": {
      "sensitive": true, <- value is sensitive
      "value": "ELASTIC_SEARCH_PASSWORD_OSDU" <- service consumer should have env variable ELASTIC_SEARCH_PASSWORD_OSDU with elastic search password

Elasticsearch configuration

prefix: elasticsearch

It can be overridden by:

  • through the Spring Boot property elastic-search-properties-prefix


Property Description server URL
elasticsearch.port server port
elasticsearch.user username
elasticsearch.password password
Example of a definition for a single tenant

curl -L -X PATCH '' -H 'data-partition-id: opendes' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
  "properties": {
    "": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": ""
    "elasticsearch.port": {
      "sensitive": false,
      "value": "9243"
    "elasticsearch.user": {
      "sensitive": true,
      "value": "<USER_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME>" <- (Not actual value, just name of env variable)
      "elasticsearch.password": {
      "sensitive": true,
      "value": "<PASSWORD_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME>" <- (Not actual value, just name of env variable)

Google cloud service account configuration


Required roles

Running E2E Tests

You will need to have the following environment variables defined.

name value description sensitive? source
ENTITLEMENTS_HOST ex Entitlements API endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
GCLOUD_PROJECT ex opendes Google Cloud Project Id no output of infrastructure deployment
INDEXER_HOST ex Indexer API endpoint no output of infrastructure deployment
DATA_GROUP opendes The service account to this group and substitute no -
GROUP_ID ex OSDU R2 to run tests under no -
DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT1 ex opendes HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID' no -
DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT2 ex not-exist HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID' with not existing tenant no -
SEARCH_INTEGRATION_TESTER ewogICJ0.... or tmp/service-acc.json Service account for API calls as Base64 string or path to a file yes
SEARCH_HOST ex http://localhost:8080/api/search/v2/ Endpoint of search service no -
LEGAL_TAG ex my-legal-tag a valid legal tag no -

Entitlements configuration for integration accounts


Execute following command to build code and run all the integration tests:

# Note: this assumes that the environment variables for integration tests as outlined
#       above are already exported in your environment.
$ (cd testing/integration-tests/search-test-gc/ && mvn clean test)


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.