GET ddms/{id}/{type}/{localid} localid should allow ":" characters in localid
- Missing docs and openapi spec for GET /ddms/{id}/{type}/{localid}
To recreate the issue:
- Register new ddms with following path proposed:
paths": {
"/ddms/v3/wellbores/{wellboreid}": {
"get": {
"description": "Get Wellbore Id",
"operationId": "get_osdu_wellbore_versions",
"x-ddms-retrieve-entity": true,
Nevertheless, latest versions of wellbore as well as other ddms's are using full id: dp:master-data--Wellbore:ABCD
, previous versions allowed to use only ABCD
(wellbore v1), this is a limitation when we try to get the ddms id:
GET {{osdu_endpoint}}/api/register/v1/ddms/wellboreid/wellbore/opendes:master-data--Wellbore:ABCD
"code": 400,
"reason": "Validation error.",
"message": "redirectToDms.localid: must match \"^[A-Za-z0-9-]{2,50}\""
Regex for localid should allow to use ":" on