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Removing message from Service Bus after 10 retries

Kamalika Saha requested to merge kamalika/master into master

Type of change

  • Bug Fix
  • Feature

code change for avoiding the message to go into dead letter queue after 10 retries.

Please provide link to gitlab issue or ADR(Architecture Decision Record)

Does this introduce a change in the core logic?

  • [YES/NO]

Does this introduce a change in the cloud provider implementation, if so which cloud?

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Google Cloud
  • IBM

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • [NO]

What is the current behavior?

Message goes into Dead letter queue after 10 retries.

What is the new/expected behavior?

Message should get deleted from Service Bus instead of going into dead letter queue.

Have you added/updated Unit Tests and Integration Tests?

Exception Message : " Max Delivery Count of 5 Exceeded for Message with id : d3080107-bd34-4d85-a2f1-9fb32c3e3452-0-62d81cd8-8902-4d96-9416-2df1257a0916 for Subscription : de-4c25167b-d295-4438-b2f7-42946f4eb33b; Completing the message java.lang.Exception: message not acknowledged by client| "

Normal Service IT run without my changes : Pipelines - Run 20240304.4 Service IT run with my changes : Pipelines - Run 20240304.5 (Notification Image Pushed into the instance)

Any other useful information

Edited by Kamalika Saha

Merge request reports