Fix channel handling for RabbitMQ driver, mock Partition in int tests
Connection issue:
The RabbitMQ Driver was handling connections to RabbitMQ in an inappropriate way, creating an excessive amount of connections.
Publisher and consumer connection handlers were added, to share a connection.
Redundant integration with Partition service in int tests:
Integration tests required up and running Partition service, making overall testing more complex.
Partition integration was mocked, but original driver builders are still used, to verify their complex functionality.
How to test:
Does functionality was tested and how?
Changes include:
Refactor (a non-breaking change that improves code maintainability). -
Bugfix (a non-breaking change that solves an issue). -
New feature (a non-breaking change that adds functionality). -
Breaking change (a change that is not backward-compatible and/or changes current functionality).
Changes in:
GC -
Azure -
Dev Checklist:
Added Unit Tests, wherever applicable. -
Updated the Readme, if applicable. -
Existing Tests pass -
Verified functionality locally -
Self Reviewed my code for formatting and complex business logic.
Edited by Rustam Lotsmanenko (EPAM)